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How can I get value of path and filename?


Since you’re working with paths, you should use something other than fgets:
fgets(str, 256, stdin);

You’ve already got str, so you’re free to use strlen, getc, peek, etc. to get the filename and other data.



This should do the trick.

As Senate Committees prepare for several committees to hold hearings on historic sexual harassment at the DC government this week, there are more examples of the problem there. Donelle Harder, a former Administrative Law Judge and Commissioned Officer with DC’s Veterans Administration, shared her story on her Facebook page and then wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post about her experience. She was hired as a judge by the DC Office of Human Rights, but after a few months of receiving a “clearly sexist” phone call from a top DC agency leader who never apologized, she quit her job in 2011.

Harder’s blog received an outpouring of support from those who have experienced similar problems from their employers in the past, and she offers advice for anyone who believes they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

“If you have reason to believe that you have experienced sexual harassment, know that you are not alone,” she writes.

Here are some of her advice:

Don’t be silent. If the behavior you experience is unwelcome, intentionally demeaning, or in any way not in line with your beliefs, speak up. Realize that a valid, reliable answer is likely to be “no,” but sexual harassment laws protect you from retaliation if you file a complaint.

If you are asked to perform sexual favors for a position you’ve already been hired for, you deserve to know that this kind of thing will not be tolerated.

You deserve to be treated with the respect and dignity you’ve earned and are accorded as an employee. When you and another person have a successful relationship, talk about it. When you’re at the watercooler, share your experience and ask others.

If you think the employer is in the wrong and you are retaliated against, be prepared to hire an attorney.

Know what kind of action is permitted by Title VII. Know the laws that protect you. Know that sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Know the retaliation rules. (And remember: If