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NS-Batch is a small program that was created to help with the administration of a web site belonging to a client.
The log file(s) from the web server included the IP addresses of all machines that accessed the site, but did not include hostnames corresponding to those addresses.
The clients may want the hostnames, and you may got tired of manually typing (or even cut’n’pasting) the names from a log file into a NS-Lookup program. Thus NS-Batch is useful.


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NS-Batch is a program for searching and retrieving names of hosts which share a common IP address. The program is called Batch because you can run it in parallel on multiple computers on a network. The program does not require a phone line to a RUDI host. You simply call up a terminal and start it. The terminals store the information, and transmit it in your terminal. The information is then written to a file. The command line reads and transmits the file to the RUDI host where it is interpreted by the RUDI software. The host’s response is written back to the file. The NS-Batch program is designed to be used in the following ways:

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This macro generates a batch file that will give the following:
1. Reads a number and a character string from the command line and assigns them to variables
2. Appends the name of the macro file to the log file name and the line
3. Runs the macros in the macro file
4. Appends a line to the log file that says the log file was updated
Here is the line that is added to the log file:
Date &Time &IP Address &Hostname
Here is the batch file that is created:
This was created by using the Macro Icon, adding the following lines to the macro file:
%~1, %~2, %~3
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set i=0
set counter=0
set str1=%1
set str2=%2
rem Use /t to give you a number between 1-255 to find the first number of the logfile
set /t first= %i%
rem Use /t to give you the next number of the logfile
set /t second= %first% + 1
rem Loop till the first number of the logfile is reached
for /l %%a in (1,1,%second%) do (
rem Increment counter
set counter=%counter%+1
rem Assign variable 1 with the line before the first number
set hostname=!counter!-2
rem Assign variable 2 with the line between the first number and second number
set ip=!counter!-1
rem Assign variable 3 with the line between the second number and the number of the logfile
set str=!counter!
rem Echo line to logfile
echo %date% & %time% – %ip% – %str%
rem Assign variables 1, 2 and 3 with the line after the last line in the logfile
set hostname=!counter!
set ip=!counter!
set str=!counter!
echo %date% & %time% – %ip% – %str%
rem Append line to logfile
echo Update Logfile %first% %second%
rem Increment counter
set counter=%counter%+1
endlocal & exit /b 0

So what this script does is first of all read the values from the command line and sets

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It scans the log file(s) and sends out hostname lookups to the client. It is a Java program that does most of the work for you.
Get NS-Batch:
You can get NS-Batch from this link:
You must compile NS-Batch into a jar file, then add that jar to your /WEB-INF/lib directory and run it.
java -jar /WEB-INF/lib/ns-batch.jar /etc/rfile.txt /var/www/
Where /etc/rfile.txt is the name of the log file from the web server, and /var/www/ is the main directory of the web server where the log file will be saved.
For Example, NS-Batch can be run like this:
java -jar /path/to/ns-batch.jar /etc/rfile.txt /var/www/
So, I think this will help many of you.

Subterranean formations that produce hydrocarbons (e.g., oil, gas, etc.) are typically not homogeneous. For example, the production zones typically include subterranean zones that are more permeable than other zones. As such, these more permeable zones typically produce hydrocarbons more easily than less permeable zones. Further, the hydrocarbon-bearing zones may be separated by other zones that are impermeable to hydrocarbons.
Attempts to exploit hydrocarbon-bearing formations generally rely on the ability to identify the locations of hydrocarbon reservoirs. This ability can allow geologists and engineers to design optimal exploration strategies and reservoir management plans. Conventional techniques for identifying locations of hydrocarbon reservoirs include, for example, seismic surveys and wells.
A number of different techniques are used to perform seismic surveys. One such technique involves the use of seismic sources to generate seismic waves in the formations. The seismic waves are reflected back to the surface by the subsurface geologic structure, and measured or otherwise recorded at the surface. The seismic data is processed to yield a representation of a subsurface image. The image can be interpreted to, for example, identify the subsurface structures that might host hydrocarbon reservoirs.
A number of methods for interpreting seismic data have been developed, ranging from purely image-based interpretations to detailed inferences regarding the lithologic properties and hydro

What’s New in the?

The script:

– Uses the nslookup command to perform a DNS lookup, but if NS-Batch is running, it executes the nslookup.

– First tries to obtain the hostnames from /etc/hosts, if it does not exist, then from /etc/hostname.

– If the hostname and IP-address of the client is in the /etc/hosts file, then it is removed from that file.

– If no hostnames or IP-addresses were found, the names are put in a temp file, then they are used to do a DNS lookup.

– Then the DNS lookups for the hostnames are stored in a temp file.

– The NSLookup program will provide a certain amount of output, but if the program is used to perform multiple DNS lookups, the temp files are overwritten, so the client will need to run the NS-Batch script again to obtain new hostnames.

– If the IP-address and hostname of the client is not in the /etc/hosts file, then the client will need to add this information to /etc/hosts and make sure that the machine has a static IP-address.

– Once the hostnames have been set, the files are checked, and then removed from the temp file.

– The files with the hostnames are then sent to the client via email.

– The script then sends the files with the hostnames to /etc/hosts.

$./ns-batch.sh -h

Look for IP addresses and hostnames in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/hostname
3. [not defined]

Look for IP addresses and hostnames in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/hostname
3. localhost.example.com example.com

Look for IP addresses and hostnames in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/hostname
3. example.com

Look for IP addresses and hostnames in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/hostname
3. localhost.example.com example.com

Look for IP addresses and hostnames in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/hostname
3. example.com

Look for


System Requirements For NS-Batch:

Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 8.1 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit, Vista 64-bit, Vista 32-bit, XP 64-bit, XP 32-bit
32-bit ALSA
64-bit ALSA
64-bit JACK
32-bit JACK
16-bit PC
