World War Ii Panzer Claws Download

World War II: Panzer Claws – A Real-Time Strategy Game Set in WWII


If you are a fan of real-time strategy games and history, you might be interested in World War II: Panzer Claws, a game that lets you take control of the Allied, German, or Russian forces in the harsh reality of the battlefields of World War II. In this article, we will review the game and tell you everything you need to know about it, from its features and gameplay to its graphics and sound.

What is World War II: Panzer Claws?

World War II: Panzer Claws is a real-time strategy game that was released in 2002 for Windows PC. The game is also known as Frontline Attack: War over Europe in some regions. The game covers four campaigns with over 40 missions that take place in various seasons and weather conditions, affecting your strategies and tactics. The game also has 15 extra missions to play in skirmish mode, and an 8-player multiplayer mode over LAN or online.

Who developed and published the game?

The game was developed by Zuxxez Entertainment, a German studio that also created other real-time strategy games like the Earth series and World War III: Black Gold. The game was published by Eidos Interactive, a British company that is known for publishing games like Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Hitman, and Thief.

What are the main features of the game?

Some of the main features of World War II: Panzer Claws are:

  • 3D maps that enhance the gameplay experience and allow you to zoom in and out, rotate, and tilt the camera.
  • True real-time gameplay that means night and day will occur during your missions, changing light and visibility.
  • A realistic damage system that affects both units and buildings, as well as terrain deformation and weather effects.
  • An easy-to-use editor that allows you to create your own missions to play single-player or multiplayer.


How to play World War II: Panzer Claws?

The gameplay of World War II: Panzer Claws is similar to other real-time strategy games, but with some differences depending on the mode you choose to play.

Campaign mode

In campaign mode, you can choose to play as one of the three factions: the Germans, the Russians, or the Allies. Each faction has its own storyline and objectives that follow historical events. You will have a set number of units to complete each mission, and you will not be able to build new units or structures. You will have to use your resources wisely and manage your units effectively. You will also have to deal with changing weather conditions, day and night cycles, fog of war, and enemy reinforcements.

Skirmish mode

In skirmish mode, you can play against the computer or other players on any of the 15 available maps. You can customize various settings such as difficulty level, starting resources, victory conditions, time limit, etc. In this mode, you will have to construct a base and build units using money that you gain over time by capturing and holding mines and factories spread throughout the map. You will also have access to air support

Multiplayer mode

In multiplayer mode, you can play online or over LAN with up to 8 players. You can choose to play as any of the three factions, and team up with other players or play against them. You can also create your own custom maps using the editor and share them with other players. Multiplayer mode offers a more challenging and dynamic gameplay experience, as you will have to compete with human opponents who can use different strategies and tactics.

What are the different factions and units in the game?

The game features three factions: the Germans, the Russians, and the Allies. Each faction has its own unique units and characteristics that reflect their historical strengths and weaknesses. The game also features a variety of units, such as infantry, tanks, artillery, anti-tank guns, trucks, motorcycles, half-tracks, armored cars, planes, and helicopters. Each unit has its own stats, such as speed, armor, firepower, range, sight, fuel, ammo, etc. You will have to use your units wisely and combine them effectively to achieve victory.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each faction?

Each faction has its own advantages and disadvantages that you will have to consider when playing the game. Here is a brief overview of each faction:

  • The Germans: The Germans have the most advanced and powerful units in the game, such as the Tiger tank, the Panther tank, the Stuka dive bomber, and the V2 rocket. They also have access to some unique units, such as the Flak 88 anti-aircraft gun, the Nebelwerfer rocket launcher, and the Me 262 jet fighter. However, their units are also very expensive and require a lot of resources to build and maintain. They also have limited mobility and supply lines.
  • The Russians: The Russians have the most numerous and resilient units in the game, such as the T-34 tank, the KV-1 tank, the Katyusha rocket launcher, and the IL-2 ground attack plane. They also have access to some unique units, such as the BA-64 armored car, the SU-76 self-propelled gun, and the Yak-9 fighter. However, their units are also very outdated and inferior in terms of technology and firepower. They also have poor accuracy and reliability.
  • The Allies: The Allies have the most balanced and versatile units in the game, such as the Sherman tank, the Cromwell tank, the Spitfire fighter, and the B-17 bomber. They also have access to some unique units, such as the Jeep, the M8 Greyhound armored car, and the P-51 Mustang fighter. However, their units are also very vulnerable and weak in terms of armor and durability. They also have limited range and payload.

How to use infantry, vehicles, and aircraft effectively?

One of the key aspects of World War II: Panzer Claws is the use of different types of units and their interactions. You will have to use infantry, vehicles, and aircraft effectively to achieve your objectives and defeat your enemies. Here are some tips on how to use them:

  • Infantry: Infantry are the most basic and cheapest units in the game, but they are also very useful and versatile. They can capture and hold strategic points, such as mines, factories, bridges, etc. They can also hide in buildings, forests, and trenches, making them harder to spot and attack. They can also use various weapons, such as rifles, machine guns, bazookas, grenades, etc. However, they are also very vulnerable and weak against vehicles and aircraft, so you will have to protect them with other units.
  • Vehicles: Vehicles are the most powerful and expensive units in the game, but they are also very limited and specialized. They can deal a lot of damage and withstand a lot of punishment, but they also consume a lot of fuel and ammo, which you will have to resupply regularly. They can also be affected by terrain and weather conditions, such as mud, snow, ice, etc. They can also be damaged or destroyed by enemy fire or mines, so you will have to repair them with engineers or trucks. You will have to use different types of vehicles for different purposes, such as tanks for armor piercing, artillery for long-range bombardment, anti-tank guns for defense, etc.
  • Aircraft: Aircraft are the most fast and mobile units in the game, but they are also very scarce and risky. They can fly over any obstacle and reach any target quickly, but they also have a limited fuel capacity and payload, which you will have to refill at airfields. They can also be shot down by enemy anti-aircraft fire or fighters, so you will have to escort them with other planes. You will have to use different types of aircraft for different roles, such as fighters for air superiority, bombers for ground attack, transport planes for paratroopers or supplies, etc.

Graphics and Sound

How does the game look and sound?

The game has a realistic and detailed 3D graphics engine that creates a vivid and immersive atmosphere of World War II. The game features various landscapes and environments that change according to the season and weather conditions. The game also features dynamic lighting and shadows that affect the visibility and stealth of your units. The game also has a realistic damage system that shows the effects of your actions on the units and buildings, as well as the terrain deformation caused by explosions.

The game has a realistic and atmospheric sound design that enhances the gameplay experience. The game features various sounds that correspond to the actions and events in the game, such as gunfire, explosions, engine noises, radio chatter, etc. The game also features a dynamic music system that adapts to the situation and mood of the game, such as tense combat music or calm ambient music.

What are the pros and cons of the graphics and sound?

The graphics and sound of World War II: Panzer Claws are generally well-done and impressive for a game released in 2002. However, they also have some flaws and limitations that you should be aware of. Here are some pros and cons of the graphics and sound:

  • Pros:
    • The graphics are realistic and detailed, creating a believable and immersive environment.
    • The graphics are dynamic and varied, changing according to the season and weather conditions.
    • The sound is realistic and atmospheric, enhancing the gameplay experience.
    • The sound is dynamic and adaptive, changing according to the situation and mood of the game.
  • Cons:
    • The graphics are outdated and low-resolution by today’s standards.
    • The graphics are sometimes glitchy and buggy, causing graphical errors or crashes.
    • The sound is sometimes repetitive and annoying, especially the voice acting.
    • The sound is sometimes inconsistent or inaccurate, such as units speaking in different languages or sounds not matching the actions.


Summary of the main points of the article

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