8ball Pool

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8 Ball Pool: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Pros

Do you love playing pool but don’t have the time or space to own a table? Do you want to learn how to play one of the most popular and exciting games in the world? Do you want to improve your skills and compete with other players online? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you.


What is 8 ball pool and how to play it?

8 ball pool is a type of pool game that is played on a table with six pockets, a cue stick, and 16 balls: one white cue ball, seven solid-colored balls numbered 1-7, seven striped balls numbered 9-15, and one black ball numbered 8. The objective of the game is to pocket all of your designated balls (either solids or stripes) and then pocket the 8 ball in a called pocket, before your opponent does the same.

To start the game, the balls are arranged in a triangular rack at one end of the table, with the 8 ball in the center, the 1 ball at the apex, a solid ball in one corner, and a striped ball in the other corner. One player breaks the rack by hitting the cue ball into it, scattering the balls across the table. The player who pockets a ball on the break can choose to keep that group (solids or stripes) or let the opponent choose. If no ball is pocketed on the break, or if a foul occurs (such as scratching the cue ball or hitting an illegal ball), then the turn passes to the other player.

The players take turns hitting the cue ball with their cue stick, trying to pocket their own balls in any order. The cue ball must always hit one of your own balls first, before hitting any other ball or a rail. If you pocket one of your own balls legally, you can continue your turn. If you miss or commit a foul (such as pocketing the wrong ball, pocketing the cue ball, or not hitting any rail after contact), then your turn ends and your opponent can place the cue ball anywhere on the table (this is called “ball in hand”).

The game continues until one player pockets all of their balls and then pockets the 8 ball in a called pocket. The player must announce which pocket they intend to sink the 8 ball in before taking the shot. If they succeed, they win the game. If they miss or pocket the 8 ball in a wrong or uncalled pocket, or if they pocket the 8 ball before clearing their own balls, they lose the game.

Why is 8 ball pool so popular and fun?

8 ball pool is one of the most widely played games in the world for several reasons. First of all, it is easy to learn but hard to master. Anyone can pick up a cue stick and start playing, but it takes practice and skill to become a good player. There are many aspects of the game that require precision, concentration, strategy, and creativity, such as aiming, power control, spin control, position play, safety play, bank shots, kick shots, jump shots, etc.

Secondly, it is very accessible and convenient. You don’t need a lot of space or equipment to play 8 ball pool. You can find a pool table in many places such as bars, clubs, hotels, arcades, etc. You can also play online on your computer or mobile device with millions of other players around the

world. You can play for fun or for real money, and you can join tournaments and leagues to challenge yourself and win prizes.

Thirdly, it is very social and interactive. You can play 8 ball pool with your friends, family, or strangers, and have a great time chatting, joking, and competing. You can also make new friends and join communities of pool lovers online. You can share your achievements, tips, and feedback with other players, and learn from their experiences.

History of 8 ball pool

Origins and evolution of the game

8 ball pool is a descendant of various cue sports that originated in Europe in the 15th century. The earliest form of pool was played on a lawn with wooden sticks and balls, similar to croquet. Later, the game moved indoors and was played on a wooden table covered with green cloth, resembling a grass field. The table had holes or pockets at the corners and sides, where the balls had to be driven by hitting them with a cue stick.

The game evolved over time, with different variations and rules emerging in different countries. Some of the most influential cue sports were English billiards, French carom billiards, and American four-ball billiards. These games differed in the number and type of balls used, the size and shape of the table, the scoring system, and the rules of play.

8 ball pool is believed to have originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It was a simplified version of American four-ball billiards, which used four balls: two reds, one white, and one black. The game was popular among working-class people who played it in pubs and pool halls. The name “8 ball” came from the fact that the black ball was numbered 8, and it was the most important ball in the game.

The game became more standardized and regulated in the 1940s, when the Billiard Congress of America (BCA) published the official rules of 8 ball pool. The BCA also organized national and international tournaments and championships for 8 ball pool players. Since then, 8 ball pool has grown in popularity and recognition as one of the most widely played cue sports in the world.

Different versions and rules of 8 ball pool

Although 8 ball pool has a common set of rules that are followed by most players and organizations, there are also some variations and differences that exist in different regions and levels of play. Some of the most common variations are:

  • The size and weight of the balls: The standard size of an 8 ball pool ball is 2.25 inches (57 mm) in diameter and 5.5 ounces (156 g) in weight. However, some countries use smaller or larger balls, such as 2 inches (51 mm) or 2.375 inches (60 mm).
  • The size and shape of the table: The standard size of an 8 ball pool table is 9 feet (2.7 m) long by 4.5 feet (1.4 m) wide, with a playing surface of 100 by 50 inches (254 by 127 cm). However, some tables are smaller or larger, such as 7 feet (2.1 m) by 3.5 feet (1.1 m) or 10 feet (3 m) by 5 feet (1.5 m). Some tables also have different shapes, such as hexagonal or octagonal.
  • The number and location of the pockets: The standard number of pockets on an 8 ball pool table is six: one at each corner and one at the middle of each long side. However, some tables have fewer or more pockets, such as four or eight. Some tables also have different locations for the pockets, such as closer to or farther from the corners or sides.
  • The order of shooting: The standard order of shooting in 8 ball pool is determined by who breaks the rack first. The player who breaks has the first shot after the break, unless they pocket a ball on the break or commit a foul. Then, the players alternate turns until one of them wins or loses the game. However, some variations allow the player who breaks to choose whether to shoot first or second after the break, or to pass their turn to their opponent.
  • The rules of fouls: The standard rules of fouls in 8 ball pool are based on those published by the BCA. A foul occurs when a player violates any of these rules:
    • Failure to hit one’s own group of balls first
    • Failure to drive any ball to a rail or pocket after contact
    • Pocketing one’s own cue ball
    • Pocketing an opponent’s ball or the 8 ball (unless it is the game-winning shot)
    • Touching or moving any ball with anything other than the cue tip
    • Shooting out of turn or before the balls have stopped moving
    • Shooting with a ball in hand outside the designated area
    • Double hitting or pushing the cue ball
    • Jumping or lifting the cue ball off the table
    • Using an illegal or foreign object as a cue stick
    • Taking too much time to shoot (usually more than 60 seconds)

    However, some variations have different or additional rules of fouls, such as:

    • Scratching on the break (pocketing the cue ball on the break)
    • Pocketing the 8 ball on the break (unless it is a called shot)
    • Not having at least four balls hit a rail on the break
    • Hitting the 8 ball first before clearing one’s own group of balls
    • Pocketing one’s own ball and an opponent’s ball in the same shot
    • Using a closed bridge (wrapping one’s hand around the cue stick)
    • Using a mechanical bridge (a device that supports the cue stick)

    The standard penalty for a foul in 8 ball pool is giving the opponent ball in hand, meaning they can place the cue ball anywhere on the table for their next shot. However, some variations have different or additional penalties, such as:

    • Losing one’s turn or a point
    • Re-racking and re-breaking the balls
    • Losing the game or a frame
    • Paying a fine or a drink

    Famous players and tournaments of 8 ball pool

    8 ball pool has produced many famous and talented players over the years, who have demonstrated their skills and achievements in various tournaments and championships. Some of the most notable players are:

    • Willie Mosconi: An American player who was considered one of the greatest pool players of all time. He won 15 world titles in straight pool, a record that still stands today. He also held the record for the highest run in straight pool, with 526 consecutive balls pocketed in 1954.
    • Ralf Souquet: A German player who is known as “The Kaiser” for his dominance and consistency in pool. He has won multiple world titles in 8 ball, 9 ball, and straight pool, as well as numerous other titles and awards. He is also famous for his sportsmanship and professionalism.
    • Allison Fisher: A British player who is regarded as one of the best female pool players of all time. She has won over 80 titles in her career, including 11 world titles in 9 ball. She is also a member of the Billiard Congress of America Hall of Fame and the Women’s Professional Billiard Association Hall of Fame.
    • Efren Reyes: A Filipino player who is widely considered as one of the greatest pool players of all time. He has won several world titles in 8 ball, 9 ball, and one pocket, as well as many other prestigious tournaments. He is also known for his creativity and innovation in shot making and position play.
    • Shane Van Boening: An American player who is currently one of the top-ranked pool players in the world. He has won several major titles in 8 ball, 9 ball, and 10 ball, including four US Open 9 Ball Championships. He is also known for his powerful break and accuracy.

    8 ball pool has also hosted many famous and exciting tournaments and championships over the years, where the best players compete for glory and prizes. Some of the most notable tournaments are:

    • The World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) World Eight-ball Championship: The official world championship for 8 ball pool, sanctioned by the WPA. It was first held in 2004 and has been held annually since then. The current champion is Chang Jung-lin from Taiwan.
    • The US Open 8 Ball Championship: One of the oldest and most prestigious tournaments for 8 ball pool in America, sanctioned by CueSports International (CSI). It was first held in 1976 and has been held annually since then. The current champion is Dennis Orcollo from the Philippines.
    • The World Cup of Pool: A team event for 8 ball pool, sanctioned by Matchroom Sport. It was first held in 2006 and has been held annually since then. It features 32 teams of two players each, representing different countries. The current champion is Austria, represented by Albin Ouschan and Mario He.
    • The Mosconi Cup: A team event for 9 ball pool, sanctioned by Matchroom Sport. It was first held in 1994 and has been held annually since then. It features two teams of five players each, representing Europe and the United States. The current champion is Europe, who won the 2022 edition by 11-8.
    • The Derby City Classic: A multi-discipline event for pool, sanctioned by Diamond Billiard Products. It was first held in 1999 and has been held annually since then. It features several tournaments for different games, such as 9 ball, one pocket, bank pool, straight pool, and 10 ball. The current champion of the 8 ball division is Alex Pagulayan from Canada.

    Tips and tricks to improve your 8 ball pool skills

    Choose your table, cue, and balls wisely

    One of the first steps to becoming a better 8 ball pool player is to choose the right equipment for your game. Depending on where you play, you may have different options for the table, cue, and balls that you use. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:

    • Choose a table that suits your skill level and preference. If you are a beginner or casual player, you may prefer a smaller or easier table, such as a 7-foot or 8-foot table with larger pockets and rails. If you are an advanced or competitive player, you may prefer a larger or harder table, such as a 9-foot or 10-foot table with smaller pockets and rails.
    • Choose a cue that fits your style and budget. If you are a beginner or casual player, you may not need to invest in an expensive or fancy cue, as long as it is straight, smooth, and comfortable. If you are an advanced or competitive player, you may want to invest in a high-quality or custom cue, that has the right weight, balance, tip, shaft, and wrap for your game.
    • Choose balls that are clean, smooth, and consistent. If you are playing on a public or shared table, you may not have much control over the balls that you use. However, if you have your own table or access to one, you may want to buy or use balls that are of good quality and condition. You should also clean and polish your balls regularly to maintain their performance.

    Learn the basic techniques of aiming, power, and spin

    One of the most important skills to master in 8 ball pool is how to control the cue ball and the object balls with your cue stick. This involves three basic techniques: aiming, power, and spin. Here are some tips to help you learn these techniques:

    • Aiming: Aiming is the process of aligning your cue stick with the cue ball and the target ball or pocket. To aim correctly, you need to visualize the path of the cue ball and the object ball, and adjust your stance, grip, and bridge accordingly. You can use various methods to help you aim, such as the ghost ball method, the parallel line method, or the fractional aiming method.
    • Power: Power is the amount of force that you apply to the cue ball with your cue stick. To control the power of your shot, you need to adjust your stroke speed and length accordingly. You can use various cues to help you gauge the power of your shot, such as the sound of the hit, the feel of the impact, or the movement of your arm.
    • Spin: Spin is the rotation that you impart to the cue ball with your cue stick. To control the spin of your shot, you need to adjust your tip position and contact point accordingly. You can use various types of spin to affect the direction and speed of the cue ball after contact, such as top spin, back spin, side spin, or swerve. You can use various aids to help you apply spin, such as chalk, tip shapers, or cue extensions.

    Develop your strategy and tactics for different situations

    One of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of 8 ball pool is how to plan and execute your shots according to the layout of the table and the rules of the game. This involves two main elements: strategy and tactics. Here are some tips to help you develop these elements:

    • Strategy: Strategy is the overall plan that you have for winning the game. To formulate a good strategy, you need to consider several factors, such as your skill level, your opponent’s skill level, your group of balls, the position of the 8 ball, the rules of the game, and the time limit. You should also have a backup plan in case your original plan fails or changes.
    • Tactics: Tactics are the specific actions that you take to implement your strategy. To execute good tactics, you need to consider several factors, such as the angle of the shot, the distance of the shot, the speed of the shot, the spin of the shot, the risk of the shot, and the reward of the shot. You should also have a contingency plan in case your shot misses or goes wrong.

    Practice regularly and play against different opponents

    One of the best ways to improve your 8 ball pool skills is to practice regularly and play against different opponents. This will help you hone your techniques, test your strategies, and learn from your mistakes. Here are some tips to help you practice and play effectively:

    • Practice regularly: To improve your skills, you need to practice frequently and consistently. You should set a schedule and a goal for your practice sessions, and stick to them. You should also vary your practice routines and drills, to avoid boredom and stagnation. You can use various resources to help you practice, such as books, videos, apps, or coaches.
    • Play against different opponents: To challenge yourself and learn from others, you need to play against different opponents. You should seek out opponents who are at different skill levels, styles, and backgrounds than you. You should also play in different venues and formats, such as online or offline, casual or competitive, singles or doubles. You can use various platforms to find and play against different opponents, such as websites, apps, or clubs.


    Summary of the main points

    In conclusion, 8 ball pool is a fun and exciting game that anyone can enjoy and excel at. It is easy to learn but hard to master. It is very accessible and convenient. It is very social and interactive. It has a rich history and culture. It requires skill and strategy. It offers challenge and reward.

    Call to action and invitation to play 8 ball pool

    If you are interested in playing 8 ball pool, or if you want to improve your 8 ball pool skills, there are many ways to do so. You can find a pool table near you, or play online on your computer or mobile device. You can buy or use your own equipment, or borrow or rent from others. You can practice on your own, or play with your friends or strangers. You can join tournaments and leagues, or play for fun or money.

    The choice is yours. The only thing that matters is that you have fun and enjoy the game. So what are you waiting for? Grab your cue stick and start playing 8 ball pool today!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are some common mistakes that beginners make in 8 ball pool?

    Some common mistakes that beginners make in 8 ball pool are:

    • Not aiming properly or accurately
    • Hitting the cue ball too hard or too soft
    • Not using spin correctly or effectively
    • Not planning ahead or thinking strategically
    • Not following the rules or etiquette of the game

    How can I avoid scratching (pocketing the cue ball) in 8 ball pool?

    Some tips to avoid scratching in 8 ball pool are:

    • Avoid hitting the cue ball directly towards a pocket
    • Avoid hitting the cue ball too hard or too fast
    • Avoid using too much back spin or side spin on the cue ball
    • Avoid hitting an object ball at a sharp angle or with a lot of force
    • Avoid hitting an object ball that is close to a pocket or a rail
    • What are some good resources to learn more about 8 ball pool?

      Some good resources to learn more about 8 ball pool are:

      • The official website of the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA), which provides the rules, rankings, news, and events of 8 ball pool and other cue sports. You can visit it at .
      • The official website of the Billiard Congress of America (BCA), which provides the history, hall of fame, instruction, and products of 8 ball pool and other cue sports. You can visit it at .
      • The official website of the CueSports International (CSI), which provides the tournaments, leagues, memberships, and media of 8 ball pool and other cue sports. You can visit it at .
      • The official website of the Matchroom Sport, which provides the live streams, highlights, and results of the World Cup of Pool and the Mosconi Cup. You can visit it at .
      • The official website of the Diamond Billiard Products, which provides the tables, cues, balls, and accessories for 8 ball pool and other cue sports. You can visit it at .

      How can I play 8 ball pool online with other players?

      One of the easiest and most popular ways to play 8 ball pool online with other players is to use the 8 Ball Pool app by Miniclip. This app allows you to play 8 ball pool on your computer or mobile device with millions of other players around the world. You can play for free or for real money, and you can join tournaments and leagues to win prizes. You can also customize your table, cue, and avatar, and chat with your friends and opponents. You can download the app from or .

      How can I improve my mental game in 8 ball pool?

      One of the most overlooked but crucial aspects of 8 ball pool is the mental game. This is the ability to stay focused, confident, calm, and positive during a match. To improve your mental game in 8 ball pool, you can try these tips:

      • Set realistic and specific goals for yourself and track your progress
      • Visualize yourself making successful shots and winning matches
      • Practice positive self-talk and affirmations before and during a match
      • Breathe deeply and relax your muscles when you feel nervous or tense
      • Avoid distractions and negative thoughts that may interfere with your concentration
      • Learn from your mistakes and failures and use them as motivation
      • Celebrate your achievements and successes and reward yourself

      I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about 8 ball pool. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy playing!
