Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub

Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub: A Review of the Classic Book by the Anti-Apartheid Activist

Steve Biko was a noted anti-apartheid activist in South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. He was the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement, which aimed to empower and mobilize the black population against the oppressive white minority regime. He was also a prolific writer and speaker, who articulated his vision of a liberated and united South Africa. He was arrested, tortured and killed by the police in 1977, becoming a martyr and a symbol of resistance for millions of people.

Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is a compilation of his writings from 1969 to 1972, when he was the president of the South African Students’ Organization (SASO) and later the chairman of SASO Publications. The book contains a selection of his essays, speeches, letters and interviews, which cover various topics such as racism, colonialism, culture, religion, education, politics and violence. The book also includes a preface by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an introduction by Malusi and Thoko Mpumlwana, a memoir by Father Aelred Stubbs and a foreword by Professor Lewis Gordon.

What is Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub About?

Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is about the struggle of black people in South Africa to liberate themselves from the psychological and physical oppression of apartheid. Biko argues that black people have been dehumanized and alienated by the white-dominated system, which has imposed its values, norms and beliefs on them. He calls for black people to reclaim their identity, dignity and history, and to develop a sense of self-reliance and solidarity. He also criticizes the liberal white opposition, which he sees as paternalistic and ineffective. He advocates for a radical and militant approach, based on the principles of Black Consciousness.

Black Consciousness, according to Biko, is \”the realization by the black man of the need to rally together with his brothers around the cause of their oppression – the blackness of their skin – and to operate as a group in order to rid themselves of the shackles that bind them to perpetual servitude\”. Black Consciousness is not only a political ideology, but also a way of life, a philosophy and a culture. It is a means of awakening the black mind and spirit, and of challenging the status quo. It is also a source of inspiration and hope for a better future.

Why Should You Read Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub?

You should read Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub because it is a powerful and insightful book that will make you think about racism, oppression and liberation in a new way. The book will expose you to the thoughts and experiences of one of the most influential figures in South Africa’s history, who shaped the course of the anti-apartheid movement and inspired generations of activists around the world. The book will also challenge you to reflect on your own identity, values and actions, and to question the systems and structures that govern your life.

Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is not only relevant for South Africans or Africans, but for anyone who cares about human rights, social justice and democracy. The book deals with universal themes that transcend time and space, such as freedom, dignity, equality and solidarity. The book also offers valuable lessons for today’s world, where racism, discrimination and violence are still prevalent. The book reminds us that we have the power and responsibility to change ourselves and our society for the better.

How to Download Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub for Free?

If you want to read Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub without paying for it, you can download the epub file from various websites that offer free ebooks. However, we do not recommend this option for several reasons:

  • Downloading ebooks is illegal and unethical. You are depriving the authors and publishers of their deserved income and support.
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  • Downloading ebooks is unreliable and unsatisfying. You may encounter errors, bugs or glitches that can ruin your reading experience. You may also miss out on updates, corrections or new editions that are only available for legitimate users.

Therefore, we suggest that you buy Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub from its official sources: Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The ebook is currently priced at $9.99 USD on both platforms. By purchasing the ebook legally, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • You will support the authors and publishers and help them continue producing quality books.
  • You will get access to the latest version of the ebook with all its features and content.
  • You will be able to read the ebook on any device that supports epub format, such as Kindle, Nook, iPad or smartphone.
  • You will be able to access additional resources and information related to the book, such as reviews, ratings or discussions.

What are the Alternatives to Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub?

If you are looking for other books that are similar to Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub, you may want to check out these alternatives:

  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X. This is a classic book that tells the life story of Malcolm X, a prominent leader of the African American civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. The book chronicles his transformation from a criminal to a Muslim minister to a human rights activist. The book also explores his views on racism, religion, violence and revolution.
  • Long Walk to Freedom. This is a memoir by Nelson Mandela, the first democratically elected president of South Africa and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The book covers his childhood, his education, his involvement in the anti-apartheid struggle, his imprisonment for 27 years and his role in the negotiations that ended apartheid and led to a democratic South Africa.
  • The Wretched of the Earth. This is a seminal work by Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist and a revolutionary thinker from Martinique. The book analyzes the psychological and political effects of colonialism and decolonization on the colonized people. The book also offers a critique of Western civilization and a vision of a new humanism.
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed. This is a influential book by Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher. The book proposes a new model of education that aims to liberate the oppressed from their oppression by raising their consciousness and empowering them to transform their reality. The book also discusses the concepts of oppression, liberation, dialogue and praxis.

FAQs about Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub

Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub:

Is Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub safe to download?
No, it is not safe to download Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub from websites that offer free ebooks. You may expose your device to viruses, malware or spyware that can harm your system or steal your personal information. You may also face legal consequences for downloading pirated ebooks.
Is Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub compatible with my device?
Yes, Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub should be compatible with any device that supports epub format, such as Kindle, Nook, iPad or smartphone. However, you may encounter some errors or glitches that can affect your reading experience. You may also miss out on updates, corrections or new editions that are only available for legitimate users.
Can I read Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub online with other readers?
No, you cannot read Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub online with other readers. The ebook requires a Amazon or Barnes & Noble account to access the online features, such as reviews, ratings or discussions. If you download the ebook from a website that offers free ebooks, you will not be able to create or log in to these accounts.
Can I get a refund for Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub?
No, you cannot get a refund for Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub. If you download the ebook from a website that offers free ebooks, you will not have any proof of purchase or receipt. You will also not have any customer support or warranty from the authors or publishers.
Can I upgrade Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub to the official version?
No, you cannot upgrade Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub to the official version. If you want to read the official version of the ebook, you will have to buy it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You will also have to uninstall the ebook and delete any files or folders associated with it.

How to Read Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub?

Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is a book that requires both critical thinking and emotional engagement. You will have to read it with an open mind and a compassionate heart. You will also have to read it with a historical and cultural awareness and a political and ethical sensitivity. Here are some tips and tricks to help you read the book:

  • Before reading the book, you may want to do some background research on Steve Biko, the Black Consciousness Movement and the apartheid system in South Africa. This will help you understand the context and significance of the book.
  • While reading the book, you may want to take notes of the main ideas, arguments and examples that Biko presents. You may also want to highlight or underline the passages that strike you as important, interesting or challenging.
  • After reading the book, you may want to reflect on your own reactions, opinions and questions. You may also want to discuss the book with other readers or join online forums or groups that focus on the book.
  • You may also want to compare and contrast the book with other books or sources that deal with similar topics or themes. You may also want to explore the connections and implications of the book for your own life and society.

What are the Benefits of Reading Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub?

Reading Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is beneficial for many reasons. The book will enrich your knowledge, enhance your skills and inspire your actions. Here are some of the benefits of reading the book:

  • The book will increase your knowledge of South African history, culture and politics. You will learn about the origins, development and impact of apartheid and the anti-apartheid movement. You will also learn about the diversity and complexity of the South African society and its people.
  • The book will improve your skills of analysis, evaluation and communication. You will learn how to examine, critique and challenge different perspectives, assumptions and arguments. You will also learn how to express, defend and justify your own views, values and beliefs.
  • The book will inspire your actions of awareness, solidarity and transformation. You will learn how to recognize, resist and overcome oppression and injustice. You will also learn how to create, support and participate in movements and initiatives that promote human rights, social justice and democracy.


Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is a powerful and insightful book that will make you think about racism, oppression and liberation in a new way. The book will expose you to the thoughts and experiences of one of the most influential figures in South Africa’s history, who shaped the course of the anti-apartheid movement and inspired generations of activists around the world. The book will also challenge you to reflect on your own identity, values and actions, and to question the systems and structures that govern your life.

Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub is not only relevant for South Africans or Africans, but for anyone who cares about human rights, social justice and democracy. The book deals with universal themes that transcend time and space, such as freedom, dignity, equality and solidarity. The book also offers valuable lessons for today’s world, where racism, discrimination and violence are still prevalent. The book reminds us that we have the power and responsibility to change ourselves and our society for the better.

Therefore, we recommend that you buy Steve Biko I Write What I Like.epub from its official sources: Amazon or Barnes & Noble. By doing so, you will support the authors and publishers, enjoy the latest version of the book, read it on any device that supports epub format, and access additional resources and information related to the book. You will also avoid any problems or risks associated with downloading pirated ebooks.×86%20×[BEST].md
