What Ports Are Used By Utorrent

What Ports Are Used by Utorrent and How to Optimize Them

Utorrent is one of the most popular and widely used torrent clients in the world. It allows you to download and share files using the BitTorrent protocol, which is a peer-to-peer network that distributes data among multiple users. However, to use Utorrent effectively, you need to know what ports are used by Utorrent and how to configure them properly.

What Are Ports and Why Are They Important for Utorrent?

Ports are logical endpoints that allow communication between different applications and devices on a network. They are identified by numbers ranging from 0 to 65535, and each port can be assigned to a specific protocol or service. For example, port 80 is usually used for HTTP (web browsing), port 25 is used for SMTP (email), and port 443 is used for HTTPS (secure web browsing).

Utorrent uses ports to connect to other peers (users) who are sharing the same file or torrent. By opening certain ports on your router or firewall, you can allow Utorrent to communicate with more peers and increase your download speed and availability. Conversely, if your ports are blocked or restricted, you may experience slow or incomplete downloads, or even fail to connect to any peers at all.

What Ports Are Used by Utorrent?

Utorrent can use different ports depending on the protocol and settings you choose. The main protocols that Utorrent supports are:

  • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol. This is a reliable and ordered protocol that ensures data integrity and delivery. TCP is the default protocol for Utorrent and BitTorrent traffic.
  • UDP: User Datagram Protocol. This is a fast and lightweight protocol that does not guarantee data delivery or order. UDP is used by Utorrent for DHT (Distributed Hash Table) and uTP (Micro Transport Protocol), which are features that enhance peer discovery and congestion control.

The recommended port range for Utorrent is 6881-6889 TCP. These ports are commonly used for BitTorrent traffic and are often left open by default on many routers. However, if these ports are blocked by your internet service provider (ISP) or are in use by another program, you can try using a different port in the range of 49152 to 65535. These ports are considered dynamic or private ports and are less likely to be blocked or interfered with. You can also use any other port that is not assigned by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) to a specific service.

To change the port that Utorrent uses, follow these steps:

  1. Open Utorrent and go to Options > Preferences > Connection.
  2. Under Listening Port, uncheck the box that says Randomize port each start.
  3. Type in the port number that you want to use in the Port used for incoming connections field.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

You can also enable or disable UDP trackers, DHT network, and uTP protocol in the same Connection tab. These features may use different UDP ports than the TCP port you specified. You can check which ports are being used by Utorrent by going to Options > Show Statistics > Transfer.

How to Optimize Your Ports for Utorrent?

After choosing a port for Utorrent, you need to make sure that it is open and accessible from outside your network. This means that you need to configure your router or firewall to allow incoming and outgoing traffic on that port. This process is called port forwarding or port mapping, and it varies depending on your router model and firmware.

To find out how to port forward your router, you can visit this website: https://portforward.com/router.htm. There you can select your router brand and model, and follow the instructions for setting up a port forward for Utorrent.

You can also use Utorrent’s built-in port forwarding tester to check if your port is open or not. To do this, go to Options > Setup Guide > Network. Click on Run tests and wait for the results. If your port is open, you will see a green check mark next to it. If your port is closed, you will see a red X mark next to it.

If your port is closed, you may need to check your router settings again, or try using a different port. You may also need to disable any firewall software on your computer that may be blocking Utorrent’s traffic.


Utorrent uses ports to communicate with other peers on the BitTorrent network. By choosing a suitable port and opening it on your router or firewall, you can improve your download speed and availability. You can also use Utorrent’s features such as encryption, DHT, and uTP to enhance your torrenting experience.

How to Encrypt Your Utorrent Traffic?

Another way to optimize your Utorrent performance and avoid ISP throttling or blocking is to encrypt your Utorrent traffic. Encryption scrambles the data that you send and receive through Utorrent, making it harder for anyone to identify or interfere with it. Encryption can also help you bypass some firewalls or proxies that may block Utorrent ports.

To enable encryption in Utorrent, follow these steps:

  1. Open Utorrent and go to Options > Preferences > BitTorrent.
  2. Under Protocol Encryption, select Enabled from the Outgoing drop-down menu.
  3. Check the box that says Allow incoming legacy connections.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

Note that encryption may reduce the number of available peers for some torrents, as not all clients support it. However, it may also increase the speed and stability of your connection for others, especially if your ISP is throttling or blocking Utorrent traffic.

How to Use DHT and uTP in Utorrent?

DHT and uTP are two features that Utorrent offers to enhance your torrenting experience. DHT stands for Distributed Hash Table, which is a decentralized network that stores information about peers and torrents. DHT allows Utorrent to find more peers without relying on trackers, which are centralized servers that coordinate peer connections. DHT can also help you download torrents that have no trackers or have dead trackers.

uTP stands for Micro Transport Protocol, which is a congestion control protocol that adapts to the network conditions and reduces the impact of Utorrent on your bandwidth and latency. uTP can help you avoid slowing down other applications or devices on your network while using Utorrent, and also avoid triggering ISP throttling or capping.

To enable DHT and uTP in Utorrent, follow these steps:

  1. Open Utorrent and go to Options > Preferences > BitTorrent.
  2. Under the BitTorrent section, check the boxes that say Enable DHT Network and Enable DHT for new torrents.
  3. Under the Bandwidth section, check the box that says Apply rate limit to uTP connections.
  4. Under the Network section, check the box that says Enable bandwidth management [uTP].
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Note that DHT and uTP may not work well with some routers or firewalls that block UDP traffic. You may need to open some UDP ports on your router or firewall to allow DHT and uTP traffic. You may also need to disable DHT and uTP if you are using a private tracker that does not allow them.

How to Test Your Utorrent Speed and Performance?

Once you have configured your Utorrent ports and settings, you may want to test your Utorrent speed and performance to see if you are getting the best results. There are several ways to do this, such as:

  • Using Utorrent’s built-in speed test. To do this, go to Options > Setup Guide > Bandwidth. Click on Run tests and wait for the results. You will see your download and upload speed, as well as your network overhead and port status.
  • Using an online speed test service. You can visit websites like https://www.speedtest.net/ or https://fast.com/ to measure your internet speed. However, these tests may not reflect your actual Utorrent speed, as they may use different servers or protocols than Utorrent.
  • Using a torrent with many seeds and peers. You can download a torrent that has a high number of seeds (users who have the complete file) and peers (users who have parts of the file) to test your Utorrent speed. You can find such torrents on websites like https://www.linuxtracker.org/ or https://academictorrents.com/. You can also check the health or availability of a torrent before downloading it.

To check your Utorrent performance, you can look at various indicators, such as:

  • The download and upload speed. This shows how fast you are downloading and uploading data through Utorrent. You can see this in the status bar at the bottom of Utorrent, or in the Speed tab on the left side.
  • The number of seeds and peers. This shows how many users are sharing the same file or torrent with you. You can see this in the Peers tab on the bottom of Utorrent, or in the Availability column on the main window.
  • The ratio and share rating. This shows how much data you have uploaded compared to how much you have downloaded. You can see this in the Ratio and Rating columns on the main window, or in the Statistics tab on the left side.

To optimize your Utorrent speed and performance, you can try adjusting some settings, such as:

  • The bandwidth allocation. This allows you to set how much bandwidth Utorrent can use for downloading and uploading. You can do this by going to Options > Preferences > Bandwidth. You can also right-click on a torrent and select Bandwidth Allocation to change it individually.
  • The number of connections. This allows you to set how many connections Utorrent can make to other peers. You can do this by going to Options > Preferences > BitTorrent. You can also right-click on a torrent and select Properties to change it individually.
  • The queueing settings. This allows you to set how many torrents Utorrent can download or upload at the same time. You can do this by going to Options > Preferences > Queueing.

Note that changing these settings may have different effects depending on your network conditions and torrent availability. You may need to experiment with different values to find the optimal ones for your situation.

