What Is App Namespace In Facebook

What is App Namespace in Facebook and Why You Need It for Your App Development

If you are a developer who wants to create apps for Facebook, you might have come across the term app namespace in the app dashboard or the documentation. But what exactly is app namespace and what does it do for your app? In this article, we will explain what app namespace is, how it works, and how to set it up for your app.

What is App Namespace in Facebook?

App namespace is a unique identifier that links your app to a Canvas page URL on Facebook. Canvas is a platform that allows you to run your app within Facebook, using a webview that covers most of the Facebook interface. Canvas page URL is the web address that users can visit to access your app on Facebook.

App namespace is the short app name that is appended to apps.facebook.com to create the Canvas page URL. For example, if your app namespace is mycoolapp, your Canvas page URL will be https://apps.facebook.com/mycoolapp. You can use the namespace field of the app object to get the namespace of your app.

App namespace is different from app ID and app secret. App ID is a unique number that identifies your app on Facebook. App secret is a code that is used to authenticate your app when making API calls. You should never share your app secret with anyone.

Why Do You Need App Namespace in Facebook?

App namespace is important for several reasons. First of all, it allows you to create a custom and branded URL for your app on Facebook. This can help you promote your app and make it easier for users to find and remember it. You can also use this URL to link to your app from other places, such as your website or social media platforms.

Secondly, app namespace helps you avoid conflicts and confusion with other apps on Facebook. Since app namespace is unique, no two apps can have the same namespace on Facebook. This means that users will not be redirected to the wrong app or see an error message when they try to access your app.

Thirdly, app namespace enables you to use some features and functionalities that are specific to Canvas apps on Facebook. For example, you can use the bookmark URL field to track user referrals from app bookmarks. You can also use the payments API to accept payments from users within your app.

How to Set Up App Namespace in Facebook?

To set up app namespace in Facebook, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a Facebook app on the app dashboard. You will need to provide some basic information about your app, such as name, category, contact email, and privacy policy.
  2. Go to the Basic settings page of your app dashboard and look for the Namespace field under General settings. Enter a short and descriptive name for your app namespace. It must be at least 7 characters long and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. It cannot start or end with a hyphen or contain more than one consecutive hyphen.
  3. Save your changes and check if your app namespace is available and valid. If not, you will see an error message and you will need to choose another name.
  4. Go to the Products section of your app dashboard and add Canvas as a product for your app. You will need to provide some information about your Canvas settings, such as secure canvas URL (the HTTPS URL where your app is hosted), canvas size (the width and height of your webview), fluid width (whether your webview should adjust to the browser width), fluid height (whether your webview should adjust to the browser height), and canvas SDK upgrade mode (whether you want to use the latest version of the JavaScript SDK).
  5. Save your changes and test your Canvas page URL by visiting https://apps.facebook.com/your_app_namespace. You should see your app running within Facebook.

How to Change or Delete App Namespace in Facebook?

If you want to change or delete your app namespace in Facebook, you need to be aware of some consequences and limitations. Changing or deleting your app namespace will affect your app’s Canvas page URL and may cause some issues for your app and your users.

To change your app namespace in Facebook, you need to go to the Basic settings page of your app dashboard and edit the Namespace field under General settings. You can only change your app namespace once every 28 days. You also need to make sure that the new name is available and valid.

To delete your app namespace in Facebook, you need to go to the Basic settings page of your app dashboard and remove the Namespace field under General settings. You can only delete your app namespace if you have not used it for more than 28 days. You also need to make sure that you have removed Canvas as a product for your app.

When you change or delete your app namespace in Facebook, the following things will happen:

  • Your old Canvas page URL will stop working and redirect users to an error page.
  • Your new Canvas page URL will start working and show your app within Facebook.
  • Your old bookmarks and links to your app will become invalid and users will need to update them.
  • Your app analytics and insights will be reset and start from scratch.
  • Your app payments and subscriptions will be affected and users may need to re-authorize them.

Best Practices for Using App Namespace in Facebook

App namespace is a useful feature that can help you create a custom and branded URL for your app on Facebook. However, you need to use it wisely and follow some best practices to avoid any problems or confusion. Here are some tips on how to use app namespace in Facebook effectively:

  • Choose a short and descriptive name for your app namespace that reflects your app’s purpose and identity. Avoid using names that are too generic, vague, or misleading.
  • Check the availability and validity of your app namespace before setting it up. Make sure that it does not conflict with any existing apps or pages on Facebook.
  • Use lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only for your app namespace. Do not use spaces, underscores, dots, or other symbols.
  • Do not change or delete your app namespace unless absolutely necessary. Changing or deleting your app namespace will affect your app’s Canvas page URL and may cause some issues for your app and your users.
  • Keep your app namespace consistent with your app name and other branding elements. Do not use different names or logos for your app on different platforms or channels.

How to Troubleshoot App Namespace in Facebook

If you encounter any problems or errors with your app namespace in Facebook, you need to troubleshoot them and find the root cause. Here are some common issues and solutions for app namespace in Facebook:

  • If your app namespace is not available or valid, you need to choose another name that is available and valid. You can use the Sharing Debugger tool to check the availability and validity of your app namespace.
  • If your app namespace is not working or redirecting to an error page, you need to check your Canvas settings and make sure that they are correct and up to date. You can use the Sharing Debugger tool to check your Canvas settings and see any errors or warnings.
  • If your app namespace is conflicting with another app or page on Facebook, you need to contact the owner of the other app or page and request them to change or delete their app namespace. You can use the Report a Violation of the Facebook Terms form to report any violations of the Facebook Platform Policies.
  • If your app namespace is affecting your app analytics, payments, or subscriptions, you need to update your app code and settings to reflect the changes in your app namespace. You can use the App Graph API to get or update your app information.

How to Learn More About App Namespace in Facebook

If you want to learn more about app namespace in Facebook, you can refer to the following resources:

  • The Canvas Platform Documentation provides detailed information and guides on how to create and manage Canvas apps on Facebook.
  • The Best Practices for Games on Facebook provides tips and recommendations on how to optimize your Canvas apps for performance, engagement, and monetization.
  • The Developer Community provides a forum where you can ask questions, share feedback, and get help from other developers and Facebook engineers.
  • The Developer Support provides a portal where you can report bugs, request features, or get technical support from Facebook.

Examples of App Namespace in Facebook

To give you some inspiration and ideas, here are some examples of app namespace in Facebook from some popular and successful Canvas apps:

  • Candy Crush Saga uses the app namespace candycrush to create a catchy and memorable URL for its app.
  • FarmVille 2 uses the app namespace farmville-two to differentiate itself from the original FarmVille game and to indicate that it is a sequel.
  • Dragon City uses the app namespace dragoncity to describe its app’s theme and genre.
  • Angry Birds Friends uses the app namespace angrybirds to leverage its well-known brand name and to attract fans of the Angry Birds franchise.
  • Spotify uses the app namespace spotify to match its app name and to create a consistent identity across different platforms and channels.


App namespace is a unique identifier that links your app to a Canvas page URL on Facebook. It allows you to create a custom and branded URL for your app on Facebook and to use some features and functionalities that are specific to Canvas apps. You need to set up your app namespace in the app dashboard and follow some best practices to avoid any problems or confusion. You can also learn more about app namespace in Facebook by referring to the documentation, the best practices, the developer community, and the developer support. App namespace is a useful feature that can help you create and manage Canvas apps on Facebook effectively.


App namespace is a unique identifier that links your app to a Canvas page URL on Facebook. It allows you to create a custom and branded URL for your app on Facebook and to use some features and functionalities that are specific to Canvas apps. You need to set up your app namespace in the app dashboard and follow some best practices to avoid any problems or confusion. You can also learn more about app namespace in Facebook by referring to the documentation, the best practices, the developer community, and the developer support. App namespace is a useful feature that can help you create and manage Canvas apps on Facebook effectively.

