Anno Domini 1257 Troop Tree


Anno Domini 1257: A Comprehensive Guide to the Troop Tree

Anno Domini 1257 is a total conversion mod for Mount & Blade: Warband that recreates the historical and political situation of 13th century Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The mod features over 40 factions, each with their own unique troop tree, culture, religion and gameplay style. In this guide, we will explore the troop tree of Anno Domini 1257, and how to recruit and upgrade your army in this realistic and immersive mod.

What is a troop tree?

A troop tree is a hierarchical structure that shows the possible upgrades and branches of a unit type. In Anno Domini 1257, each faction has its own troop tree, with different names, stats, equipment and skills for each unit. Some factions have more complex and diverse troop trees than others, offering more choices and flexibility for the player. For example, the Teutonic Order has a simple but powerful troop tree, with only two basic units (Baltic Peasants and Teutonic Lances) that can be upgraded into various types of heavy cavalry and infantry. On the other hand, the Crusader States have a more varied and balanced troop tree, with four basic units (Levantine Peasants, Frankish Peasants, Levantine Townsmen and Frankish Townsmen) that can be upgraded into different kinds of archers, crossbowmen, spearmen, swordsmen and knights.

How to recruit troops?

In Anno Domini 1257, there are two ways to recruit troops: native recruitment and lance recruitment. Native recruitment is similar to the original Mount & Blade: Warband system, where you can recruit peasants from villages and townsmen from towns. However, in this mod, the type and quality of troops you can recruit depends on the culture and religion of the region. For example, if you recruit from a Muslim village in Egypt, you will get Egyptian Peasants that can be upgraded into Mamluk Cavalry or Nubian Archers. If you recruit from a Christian town in France, you will get Frankish Townsmen that can be upgraded into Crossbowmen or Sergeants.

Lance recruitment is a new system introduced by the mod, where you can hire a group of professional soldiers called a lance from castles or towns. A lance consists of one knight or nobleman and several men-at-arms or squires that follow him. The type and quality of lances you can hire depends on the faction and the location of the castle or town. For example, if you hire a lance from a Teutonic castle in Prussia, you will get a Teutonic Knight with several Teutonic Men-at-Arms. If you hire a lance from a Crusader town in Jerusalem, you will get a Templar Knight with several Templar Sergeants.

How to upgrade troops?

In Anno Domini 1257, you can upgrade your troops by spending money and experience points. You can see the possible upgrades and branches for each unit by clicking on their name in the party screen. Some units have more than one upgrade option, allowing you to customize your army according to your preferences and strategy. For example, Baltic Peasants can be upgraded into Baltic Archers or Baltic Spearmen. Baltic Archers can be further upgraded into Baltic Crossbowmen or Baltic Skirmishers. Baltic Spearmen can be further upgraded into Baltic Swordsmen or Baltic Axemen.

Some units require special conditions or items to be upgraded. For example, Teutonic Lances can only be upgraded if you are a vassal of the Teutonic Order or own an original Teutonic fief. Levantine Peasants can only be upgraded into Mamluk Cavalry if you have a Mamluk Horse Harness in your inventory. Frankish Peasants can only be upgraded into Knights Hospitaller if you are a member of their order.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of different troop trees?

Each faction in Anno Domini 1257 has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on their troop tree, culture and religion. Some factions have more specialized and elite troops, while others have more versatile and numerous troops. Some factions have more access to cavalry, while others have more access to infantry or archers. Some factions have more advantages in certain terrains or climates, while others have more disadvantages. Here are some examples of the benefits and drawbacks of different troop trees:

  • The Teutonic Order has a very powerful and simple troop tree, with only two basic units that can be upgraded into various types of heavy cavalry and infantry. Their troops are well-armored, well-trained and well-equipped, making them formidable opponents in any battle. However, their troops are also very expensive, slow and vulnerable to missile fire. Their troops also suffer from low morale and high desertion rates in non-Christian lands.
  • The Crusader States have a very varied and balanced troop tree, with four basic units that can be upgraded into different kinds of archers, crossbowmen, spearmen, swordsmen and knights. Their troops are a mix of European and Levantine cultures and religions, giving them access to both Frankish and Muslim equipment and skills. Their troops are also relatively cheap, fast and adaptable to different situations. However, their troops are also less specialized and elite than some other factions, and they have to deal with religious conflicts and rebellions within their own ranks.
  • The Mongol Empire has a very unique and dominant troop tree, with only one basic unit that can be upgraded into various types of horse archers and lancers. Their troops are the best horsemen in the world, with unmatched speed, mobility and accuracy. Their troops can also fight on foot if needed, using bows or melee weapons. Their troops are also loyal, fearless and disciplined, following the orders of their Khan without question. However, their troops are also very dependent on horses, which can be killed or wounded by enemy fire or traps. Their troops also have trouble fighting in sieges or mountainous terrains.

How to use your troop tree effectively?

In order to use your troop tree effectively, you need to consider several factors, such as your faction, your enemies, your terrain, your climate and your strategy. You need to choose the right units for the right situations, and use them in the right way. Here are some tips on how to use your troop tree effectively:

  • Know your faction’s troop tree well. Learn the names, stats, equipment and skills of each unit. Know their upgrade paths and branches. Know their strengths and weaknesses. Know their costs and availability.
  • Know your enemies’ troop tree well. Learn what units they have and what they can do. Know how to counter them or avoid them. Know their tactics and formations.
  • Know your terrain well. Learn how different terrains affect your movement speed, visibility and combat effectiveness. Know what terrains suit your units best and what terrains hinder them most.
  • Know your climate well. Learn how different climates affect your morale, health and fatigue. Know what climates favor your units most and what climates harm them most.
  • Know your strategy well. Learn how to use different units in different situations. Know when to attack or defend, when to charge or retreat, when to flank or hold the line. Know how to combine different units to create synergies or overcome weaknesses.

What are some examples of troop trees in Anno Domini 1257?

To give you a better idea of what troop trees look like in Anno Domini 1257, here are some examples of the troop trees of some of the major factions in the mod. Note that these are not the complete troop trees, but only a simplified overview of the main branches and units. For more details and information, you can check the links provided in the references section.

The Teutonic Order

The Teutonic Order is a Catholic military order that controls parts of Prussia, Lithuania and Livonia. Their troop tree is very simple and straightforward, with only two basic units that can be upgraded into various types of heavy cavalry and infantry. Their troops are well-armored, well-trained and well-equipped, making them formidable opponents in any battle. However, their troops are also very expensive, slow and vulnerable to missile fire. Their troops also suffer from low morale and high desertion rates in non-Christian lands.

Baltic Peasants
+-- Baltic Archers
|   |
|   +-- Baltic Crossbowmen
|   |
|   +-- Baltic Skirmishers
+-- Baltic Spearmen
    +-- Baltic Swordsmen
    +-- Baltic Axemen

Teutonic Lances
+-- Teutonic Men-at-Arms
|   |
|   +-- Teutonic Sergeants
|   |
|   +-- Teutonic Halberdiers
+-- Teutonic Knights

The Crusader States

The Crusader States are a group of Christian kingdoms and principalities that control parts of the Holy Land and Cyprus. Their troop tree is very varied and balanced, with four basic units that can be upgraded into different kinds of archers, crossbowmen, spearmen, swordsmen and knights. Their troops are a mix of European and Levantine cultures and religions, giving them access to both Frankish and Muslim equipment and skills. Their troops are also relatively cheap, fast and adaptable to different situations. However, their troops are also less specialized and elite than some other factions, and they have to deal with religious conflicts and rebellions within their own ranks.

Levantine Peasants
+-- Levantine Archers
|   |
|   +-- Levantine Crossbowmen
|   |
|   +-- Levantine Skirmishers
+-- Levantine Spearmen
    +-- Levantine Swordsmen
    +-- Mamluk Cavalry (requires Mamluk Horse Harness)

Frankish Peasants
+-- Frankish Archers
|   |
|   +-- Frankish Crossbowmen
|   |
|   +-- Frankish Skirmishers
+-- Frankish Spearmen
    +-- Frankish Swordsmen
    +-- Frankish Knights

Levantine Townsmen
+-- Levantine Militia Archers
|   |
|   +-- Levantine Militia Crossbowmen
|   |
|   +-- Levantine Militia Skirmishers
+-- Levantine Militia Spearmen
    +-- Levantine Militia Swordsmen
    +-- Levantine Militia Cavalry

Frankish Townsmen
+-- Frankish Militia Archers
|   |
|   +-- Frankish Militia Crossbowmen
|   |
|   +-- Frankish Militia Skirmishers
+-- Frankish Militia Spearmen
    +-- Frankish Militia Swordsmen
    +-- Frankish Militia Cavalry

Crusader Lances (requires membership or vassalage)
+-- Crusader Men-at-Arms
|   |
|   +-- Crusader Sergeants
|   |   
|   +-- Crusader Halberdiers 
+-- Crusader Knights (requires membership or vassalage)

The Mongol Empire

The Mongol Empire is a vast and powerful empire that spans across Asia and Eastern Europe. Their troop tree is very unique and dominant, with only one basic unit that can be upgraded into various types of horse archers and lancers. Their troops are the best horsemen in the world, with unmatched speed, mobility and accuracy. Their troops can also fight on foot if needed, using bows or melee weapons. Their troops are also loyal, fearless and disciplined, following the orders of their Khan without question. However, their troops are also very dependent on horses, which can be killed or wounded by enemy fire or traps. Their troops also have trouble fighting in sieges or mountainous terrains.

Mongol Tribesmen 
+-- Mongol Horse Archers 
|   |
|   +-- Mongol Veteran Horse Archers 
|   |   
|   +-- Mongol Elite Horse Archers 
+-- Mongol Lancers 
    +-- Mongol Veteran Lancers 
    +-- Mongol Elite Lancers 


In this article, we have explored the troop tree of Anno Domini 1257, a total conversion mod for Mount & Blade: Warband that recreates the historical and political situation of 13th century Europe, Middle East and North Africa. We have learned what a troop tree is, how to recruit and upgrade troops, what are the benefits and drawbacks of different troop trees, and how to use your troop tree effectively. We have also seen some examples of the troop trees of some of the major factions in the mod, such as the Teutonic Order, the Crusader States and the Mongol Empire. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you, and that you will enjoy playing Anno Domini 1257 with your own army of loyal and brave soldiers.
