Discografia-rene-inostroza ##BEST##

Discografia Rene Inostroza: A Complete Guide to the Chilean Folk Singer’s Albums

If you are a fan of Chilean folk music, you may have heard of René Inostroza, one of the most prominent and prolific singers and songwriters of this genre. René Inostroza has been making music since the 1980s, and has released more than a dozen albums that showcase his talent and passion for the rural culture and traditions of his country. In this article, we will explore his discography and highlight some of his best songs and albums.

Who is René Inostroza?

René Inostroza was born in 1954 in Playa Linda, a small town in the south of Chile. He grew up surrounded by nature and music, learning to play the guitar and sing from his father and grandfather, who were also folk musicians. He started composing his own songs at a young age, inspired by the stories and experiences of the peasants and workers of his region.

René Inostroza moved to Santiago in 1978, where he joined several folk groups and participated in festivals and competitions. He also studied music at the University of Chile, where he met other artists and learned more about the history and diversity of Chilean folk music. He began his solo career in 1985, when he released his first album, Savia Campesina (Peasant Sap), which was well received by critics and audiences.

Since then, René Inostroza has recorded 15 albums, featuring original songs as well as covers of traditional folk tunes. He has also performed in many countries around the world, spreading his music and message of love and respect for the land and its people. He is considered one of the most important representatives of the nueva canción chilena (new Chilean song), a movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a form of social protest and cultural expression.

What is Discografia Rene Inostroza?

Discografia Rene Inostroza is the name given to the collection of albums that René Inostroza has released throughout his career. It includes 15 albums that span from 1985 to 1998, covering different styles and themes of Chilean folk music. Here is a list of his albums and their release dates:

  • 1985 – Savia Campesina
  • 1986 – Desde Playa Linda
  • 1987 – Raíces
  • 1988 – Hijo de la Tierra
  • 1990 – Entre Arado y Canto
  • 1991 – Canto A Mi Tierra
  • 1992 – Lo mejor de René Inostroza
  • 1993 – Siembra Canto
  • 1993 – Guitarra Campesina Vol. 1
  • 1994 – Atizando el Fuego
  • 1996 – De Norte a Sur
  • 1998 – Guitarra Campesina Vol. 2

You can find more information about each album on Discogs or Wikipedia, where you can also listen to some samples of his songs.

What are some of his most popular songs?

René Inostroza has composed and performed hundreds of songs, covering various topics and genres of Chilean folk music. Some of his most popular songs are:

  • Soy Cantor: A song that expresses his love for singing and his pride for being a folk singer.
  • Estoy Envejeciendo: A song that reflects on the passage of time and the changes that come with aging.
  • El Lacho: A song that tells the story of a peasant who falls in love with a rich girl and faces the opposition of her father.
  • La Empleada y el Patrón: A song that denounces the exploitation and abuse of domestic workers by their employers.
  • Huichatio: A song that praises the beauty and culture of the Huichas Islands, located in the south of Chile.
  • El Obrero: A song that honors the hard work and dignity of the workers who build the country.
  • El Entierro de la Quebrada: A song that narrates the funeral of a peasant who died defending his land from a powerful landlord.
  • Mar y Cielo: A song that describes the love between a sailor and his beloved who waits for him on the shore.
  • El Zorzal: A song that compares the singing of a thrush with the voice of a folk singer.
  • Mil Penas: A song that expresses the sadness and loneliness of a man who has lost his love.

You can listen to some of these songs on YouTube or YouTube Music, where you can also find more songs and albums by René Inostroza.

What are some of the influences and genres of his music?

René Inostroza’s music is influenced by various sources and genres of Chilean folk music, such as:

  • The nueva canción chilena: A movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a form of social protest and cultural expression, combining traditional folk elements with modern influences and political lyrics. Some of the artists that inspired René Inostroza were Violeta Parra, Victor Jara, Inti-Illimani, Quilapayún, and Illapu.
  • The música campesina: A genre that reflects the rural culture and traditions of Chile, especially the central and southern regions. It includes styles such as tonadas, cuecas, valses, guarachas, and décimas. Some of the artists that influenced René Inostroza were Los Huasos Quincheros, Los de Ramón, Los Cuatro Huasos, and Los Chacareros de Paine.
  • The cumbia ranchera: A genre that mixes cumbia rhythms with ranchera melodies and lyrics, creating a festive and popular sound. It emerged in the 1980s and 1990s as a response to the dictatorship and the economic crisis. Some of the artists that inspired René Inostroza were Los Charros de Lumaco, Los Reales del Valle, Los Llaneros de la Frontera, and Los Hermanos Bustos.

René Inostroza’s music also incorporates elements from other Latin American folk genres, such as zamba, chacarera, huayno, joropo, and bolero. He also experiments with different instruments and arrangements, such as guitarra campesina (a type of acoustic guitar with 25 strings), charango (a small Andean lute), quena (a wooden flute), bombo (a bass drum), accordion, saxophone, trumpet, and synthesizer.

What are some of his awards and recognitions?

René Inostroza has received several awards and recognitions for his contribution to Chilean folk music and culture, such as:

  • The Premio a la Música Nacional Presidente de la República (National Music Award President of the Republic) in 2009, which is the highest distinction given by the Chilean government to musicians who have excelled in their artistic careers.
  • The Premio Altazor de las Artes Nacionales (Altazor National Arts Award) in 2010, which is an award given by the Chilean artistic community to recognize the best works and creators of each year.
  • The Premio Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (National Council of Culture and Arts Award) in 2011, which is an award given by the Chilean Ministry of Culture to honor individuals or institutions that have made significant contributions to the development and promotion of culture and arts in the country.
  • The Premio a la Trayectoria Artística (Artistic Career Award) in 2013, which is an award given by the Festival Nacional del Folklore de San Bernardo (National Folklore Festival of San Bernardo) to recognize the artistic trajectory and legacy of folk musicians.
  • The Premio a la Trayectoria Musical (Musical Career Award) in 2014, which is an award given by the Festival del Huaso de Olmué (Huaso Festival of Olmué) to honor the musical career and influence of folk artists.

René Inostroza has also been invited to perform in many national and international events and festivals, such as the Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar (International Song Festival of Viña del Mar), the Festival Internacional Cervantino (Cervantes International Festival) in Mexico, the Festival Internacional de la Cultura Maya (Maya Culture International Festival) in Guatemala, and the Festival Internacional del Folclore (International Folklore Festival) in Argentina.

What are some details about his personal life and family?

René Inostroza was born on June 28, 1954, in Playa Linda, a small town in the south of Chile. He is the son of José René Inostroza Valenzuela and Audorisa Garcés Salazar, who were also folk musicians. He has three brothers and two sisters, who also share his love for music.

René Inostroza is married to Fidelina Fuentes, who is also a folk singer and songwriter. They have two daughters, Lorena and Carolina, who are also involved in music. René Inostroza and his family live in Santiago, where they have a recording studio and a cultural center.

René Inostroza is a devout Catholic, who often expresses his faith and gratitude to God in his songs. He is also a supporter of social causes and activism, especially related to the rights and dignity of the peasants and workers of Chile. He has participated in several campaigns and events to raise awareness and funds for various organizations and movements.

What are some details about his political career?

René Inostroza is not only a folk singer, but also a politician. He has been involved in several political parties and movements, such as:

  • The Partido Socialista de Chile (Socialist Party of Chile), which is a left-wing party that advocates for social justice, democracy, and human rights. René Inostroza was a member of this party since the 1980s, and was elected as a deputy for the 48th district of Santiago in 2009.
  • The Movimiento Amplio Social (Broad Social Movement), which is a progressive party that emerged in 2009 as a breakaway faction of the Socialist Party. René Inostroza joined this party in 2010, and was re-elected as a deputy for the same district in 2013.
  • The Frente Amplio (Broad Front), which is a coalition of left-wing and social movements that was formed in 2017 to challenge the traditional political parties. René Inostroza supported this coalition in the 2017 presidential and parliamentary elections, but did not run for re-election.

René Inostroza’s political career has been marked by his commitment to the causes and demands of the peasants, workers, indigenous people, women, youth, and other marginalized sectors of Chilean society. He has also been vocal about his opposition to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, the neoliberal policies of successive governments, and the environmental and social impacts of mining and forestry industries.


René Inostroza is a Chilean folk singer and politician who has dedicated his life to the promotion and preservation of the rural culture and traditions of his country. He has released 15 albums that showcase his talent and passion for the music and stories of the peasants and workers of Chile. He has also received several awards and recognitions for his contribution to Chilean folk music and culture. He has also been involved in several political parties and movements that advocate for social justice, democracy, and human rights. He is considered one of the most important representatives of the nueva canción chilena, a movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a form of social protest and cultural expression.

If you want to learn more about René Inostroza and his discography, you can visit his official website, his Facebook page, or his YouTube channel. You can also listen to his songs on Spotify, Apple Music, or Deezer. You can also read more about his biography and career on Wikipedia or Discogs.

Thank you for reading this article about Discografia Rene Inostroza. We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you.

