Matrigma Test !!TOP!!

How to Ace the Matrigma Test: Tips and Tricks from Experts

The Matrigma Test is a non-verbal test that measures your general mental ability and problem-solving skills. It is widely used by employers and recruiters to assess your cognitive potential and suitability for various roles and tasks.

The test consists of 35 questions that present you with a series of patterns and shapes. Your task is to identify the missing piece that completes the pattern. You have 40 minutes to complete the test.

The Matrigma Test is challenging and requires a high level of abstract reasoning, logical thinking, and spatial awareness. It also tests your speed, accuracy, and attention to detail.

So how can you prepare for the Matrigma Test and achieve a high score? Here are some tips and tricks from experts who have taken and passed the test.

Practice with Similar Tests

One of the best ways to prepare for the Matrigma Test is to practice with similar tests that use the same format and logic. This will help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions, patterns, and strategies that are involved in the test.

There are many online resources that offer free or paid practice tests for the Matrigma Test. Some of them are:

  • This website provides a comprehensive Matrigma Test preparation package that includes a full-length simulation test, 10 mini-tests, detailed explanations, and tips.
  • JobTestPrep: This website offers a Matrigma Test practice pack that contains two full-length tests, 10 additional drills, study guides, and video tutorials.
  • iPrep: This website provides a Matrigma Test course that includes a diagnostic test, three full-length tests, 15 extra exercises, video lessons, and feedback.

By practicing with these tests, you will improve your skills, confidence, and time management. You will also learn how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that can lower your score.

Apply Logical Rules

The Matrigma Test is based on logical rules that govern how the patterns and shapes change and relate to each other. To solve the questions, you need to identify and apply these rules correctly.

Some of the common rules that are used in the Matrigma Test are:

  • Rotation: The shapes rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise by a certain degree or direction.
  • Reflection: The shapes reflect or flip horizontally or vertically along an axis.
  • Color: The shapes change color or alternate between different colors.
  • Size: The shapes increase or decrease in size or proportion.
  • Shape: The shapes change shape or transform into different shapes.
  • Position: The shapes move or shift position within the grid or matrix.
  • Number: The number of shapes increases or decreases within the grid or matrix.

To apply these rules, you need to observe the patterns carefully and look for any similarities, differences, or changes among the shapes. You also need to compare the rows and columns of the grid or matrix and see how they relate to each other.

Once you have identified the rules, you need to apply them consistently and logically to find the missing piece. You also need to eliminate any distractors or irrelevant information that may confuse you or lead you astray.

Manage Your Time Wisely

The Matrigma Test has a strict time limit of 40 minutes, which means you have a little over a minute to answer each question. This can be stressful and challenging, especially if you encounter difficult or unfamiliar questions.

To manage your time wisely, you need to follow these tips:

  • Read the instructions carefully and make sure you understand the format and rules of the test.
  • Start with the easiest questions and skip the ones that are too hard or time-consuming. You can always come back to them later if you have time.
  • Don’t spend too much time on one question. If you are stuck or unsure, make an educated guess and move on.
  • Check your answers and review your work if you have time left. Look for any errors or mistakes that you may have made.

By managing your time wisely, you will be able to complete the test without rushing or panicking. You will also be able to maximize your score and avoid losing points for unanswered or incorrect questions.

Relax and Stay Focused

The Matrigma Test can be nerve-wracking and intimidating, especially if you are not well-prepared or confident. However, it is important to relax and stay focused during the test.

To relax and stay focused, you need to follow these tips:

  • Get enough sleep and rest before the test. Avoid any caffeine, alcohol, or drugs that may affect your performance.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced meal before the test. Avoid any foods that may cause indigestion, nausea, or discomfort.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated during the test. Avoid any beverages that may cause dehydration, jitteriness, or drowsiness.
  • Breathe deeply and calmly during the test. Avoid any negative thoughts or emotions that may distract you or lower your morale.
  • Take breaks and stretch your muscles during the test. Avoid any physical or mental fatigue that may impair your concentration or accuracy.

By relaxing and staying focused, you will be able to perform at your best and overcome any anxiety or pressure that may affect your score. You will also be able to enjoy the test and have fun with it.


The Matrigma Test is a challenging and rewarding test that measures your general mental ability and problem-solving skills. It is widely used by employers and recruiters to assess your cognitive potential and suitability for various roles and tasks.

To ace the Matrigma Test, you need to prepare well and practice with similar tests that use the same format and logic. You also need to apply logical rules, manage your time wisely, relax and stay focused, and learn from your mistakes.

By following these tips and tricks from experts who have taken and passed the test, you will be able to improve your skills, confidence, and score. You will also be able to impress your potential employers and recruiters and land your dream job.[3].md
