Memocad Download Free

How to Download Memocad for Free and Boost Your Productivity

If you are looking for a free and powerful software for designing and simulating electronic circuits, you should try Memocad. Memocad is a development software for Memocon-SC and GL40/50/70 series, which are programmable controllers that can be used for various applications such as industrial automation, robotics, and IoT.

Memocad allows you to create, edit, debug, and monitor your programs using a graphical user interface that supports ladder diagram, function block diagram, sequential function chart, and structured text languages. You can also use Memocad to simulate your circuits using a built-in simulator that can display input/output signals, timers, counters, registers, and other devices.

In this article, we will show you how to download Memocad for free and how to use it to create and simulate your own electronic circuits. You will also learn some tips and tricks to optimize your programs and improve your productivity with Memocad.

How to Download Memocad for Free

Memocad is available for free download from the official website of Yaskawa Electric Corporation, the manufacturer of Memocon-SC and GL40/50/70 series. To download Memocad, you need to register an account on the website and provide some basic information such as your name, email address, company name, and country. You will also need to agree to the terms and conditions of use before downloading the software.

After registering an account, you can access the download page of Memocad by clicking on the “Download” button on the top menu of the website. You will see a list of available files for download, including the installation file of Memocad (MEMOCAD-PRO_Setup.exe), the user’s manual (SIE-C815-14.25E.pdf), and some sample programs ( You can download any or all of these files depending on your needs.

To install Memocad on your computer, you need to run the installation file (MEMOCAD-PRO_Setup.exe) and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to specify the destination folder where you want to install the software and accept the license agreement. The installation process may take a few minutes depending on your computer speed and internet connection.

After installing Memocad, you can launch it by clicking on the “Memocad” icon on your desktop or start menu. You will see a welcome screen that shows some basic information about the software and its features. You can click on the “New Project” button to start creating your first program or click on the “Open Project” button to open an existing program.

How to Use Memocad to Create and Simulate Electronic Circuits

Memocad is a user-friendly software that allows you to create and simulate electronic circuits using different programming languages and devices. You can use Memocad to design and test your circuits before implementing them on the Memocon-SC and GL40/50/70 series controllers.

To use Memocad, you need to create a project that contains your program files, device settings, and simulation parameters. You can create a new project by clicking on the “New Project” button on the welcome screen or by selecting “File > New Project” from the menu bar. You will need to enter a project name, a project folder, and a device type for your project.

After creating a project, you can start writing your program using one of the supported programming languages: ladder diagram (LD), function block diagram (FBD), sequential function chart (SFC), or structured text (ST). You can switch between different languages by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the program editor window. You can also use the toolbar buttons or the menu commands to insert, edit, delete, copy, paste, or move program elements.

To write your program, you need to use the symbols and functions that are compatible with your device type. You can access the symbol library by clicking on the “Symbol” button on the toolbar or by selecting “View > Symbol Library” from the menu bar. You can drag and drop symbols from the library to the program editor window or double-click on them to insert them at the cursor position. You can also edit the symbol properties by double-clicking on them or by using the property window.

To simulate your program, you need to configure the simulation settings by clicking on the “Simulation” button on the toolbar or by selecting “Project > Simulation Settings” from the menu bar. You can specify the simulation mode, the simulation speed, the simulation time, and the simulation devices for your project. You can also enable or disable breakpoints, watchpoints, and tracepoints for debugging purposes.

To start the simulation, you need to click on the “Run” button on the toolbar or press F5 on your keyboard. You will see a simulation window that shows the input/output signals, timers, counters, registers, and other devices of your program. You can change the values of these devices by clicking on them or by using the device window. You can also use the toolbar buttons or the menu commands to pause, resume, stop, step over, step into, or step out of your program.

To stop the simulation, you need to click on the “Stop” button on the toolbar or press F6 on your keyboard. You will see a summary window that shows the simulation results, such as errors, warnings, execution time, and memory usage. You can save or print these results for future reference.

How to Optimize Programs with Memocad

Optimizing your programs with Memocad can help you improve the performance and efficiency of your electronic circuits. Optimization can involve reducing the memory usage, the CPU time, the network bandwidth, or the power consumption of your programs. However, optimization is not always a straightforward process and it may involve some trade-offs and challenges.

One of the challenges of optimization is to avoid compromising the correctness, clarity, maintainability, and flexibility of your code. Optimizing your code too early or too aggressively may result in bugs, errors, or unreadable code that is hard to debug or modify later. Therefore, it is important to follow some general principles of optimization , such as:

  • Don’t optimize unless you have a clear and measurable goal.
  • Don’t optimize unless you have identified a performance bottleneck or a resource constraint.
  • Don’t optimize unless you have tested and profiled your code to find out where the optimization opportunities are.
  • Don’t optimize at the expense of code quality or functionality.
  • Don’t optimize by making assumptions or guesses. Use data and facts to guide your decisions.

Another challenge of optimization is to choose the right level and method of optimization for your program. Optimization can be done at different levels of abstraction, such as design level, algorithm level, source code level, build level, compile level, assembly level, or run time level. Each level has its own advantages and disadvantages, and may require different tools and techniques. For example:

  • Design level optimization involves choosing the best architecture and design patterns for your program. This can have a significant impact on the performance and scalability of your program, but it may also require more planning and analysis upfront.
  • Algorithm level optimization involves choosing the best algorithms and data structures for your program. This can improve the time and space complexity of your program, but it may also require more mathematical and logical skills.
  • Source code level optimization involves writing efficient and concise code using the features and syntax of your programming language. This can improve the readability and maintainability of your code, but it may also depend on the compiler’s ability to optimize your code further.
  • Build level optimization involves configuring and tuning the parameters and options of your build system. This can affect how your code is compiled, linked, packaged, and deployed, but it may also require more technical knowledge and experimentation.
  • Compile level optimization involves using compiler flags and directives to instruct the compiler how to optimize your code. This can generate faster and smaller executable code, but it may also introduce some side effects or compatibility issues.
  • Assembly level optimization involves writing or modifying low-level assembly code that directly controls the hardware. This can achieve the highest level of performance and control, but it may also be very difficult and error-prone.
  • Run time level optimization involves using dynamic techniques such as caching, parallelism, concurrency, or load balancing to optimize your program during execution. This can adapt to changing conditions and demands, but it may also introduce some overhead or complexity.

To optimize your programs with Memocad effectively, you need to consider these challenges and choose the appropriate level and method of optimization for your specific goals and constraints. You also need to use the tools and features that Memocad provides for optimization purposes, such as: