Pokemon Go Apk Unlimited Pokeballs

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Pokemon Go APK Unlimited Pokeballs: How to Catch ‘Em All Without Spending a Dime

Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game that lets you live out your dream of becoming a Pokemon trainer. You can explore the real world, find and catch wild Pokemon, battle other players, and collect various items. But there’s one thing that can limit your fun: pokeballs. Pokeballs are essential for catching Pokemon, but they are not easy to come by. You can buy them with real money, but that can get expensive. You can also earn them by completing tasks or spinning PokéStops, but that can take time and effort. So what if there was a way to get unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go without spending a dime? Well, there is! In this article, we will show you how to download and install the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod, which will give you access to infinite pokeballs for free. We will also share some tips and tricks on how to use unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go, as well as how to enhance your gaming experience with other features and updates. So let’s get started!

How to Get Unlimited Pokeballs on Pokemon Go

The first step to getting unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to download and install the modded APK file. This is a modified version of the original game that has been hacked to give you unlimited pokeballs. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to this link [1] and download the latest version of the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod.
  2. Make sure you have enabled unknown sources on your Android device. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  3. Locate the downloaded APK file on your device and tap on it to install it.
  4. Launch the game and enjoy unlimited pokeballs!

Note: This mod only works on Android devices. If you have an iOS device, you will need to use a different method, such as using a spoofing app or a jailbroken device.

Now that you have unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go, how do you use them effectively? Here are some tips and tricks:

Find PokéStops that give you free pokeballs and other items

The easiest way to get unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to find PokéStops that give you free pokeballs and other items. PokéStops are blue squares on your map that are near public places, such as landmarks, monuments, or art installations. When you get close enough to a PokéStop, you can spin it and get a random assortment of items, such as pokeballs, potions, revives, berries, and more. You can spin a PokéStop once every five minutes, and you can also get bonus items if you spin 10 different PokéStops within 30 minutes. To find PokéStops near you, you can use the in-game map or a third-party app like [2] PokeMap.

Delete field research tasks that are too hard and get new ones

Another way to get unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to complete field research tasks. These are mini-quests that you can get from spinning PokéStops or from Professor Willow. They usually involve catching, battling, or evolving Pokemon, and they reward you with items, stardust, XP, or rare Pokemon encounters. However, some field research tasks are too hard or time-consuming to complete, such as catching 10 ice-type Pokemon or winning 5 raids. If you have a task that you don’t want to do, you can delete it by tapping on the trash icon next to it. This will free up a slot for a new task that might be easier or more rewarding. You can have up to three field research tasks at a time, and you can get one new task per day per PokéStop.

Claim rewards one at a time and only claim the final reward if there’s a new Pokemon to catch

A smart way to use unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to claim rewards one at a time and only claim the final reward if there’s a new Pokemon to catch. When you complete a field research task, you can claim the reward by tapping on the stamp icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. However, you don’t have to claim the reward right away. You can save it for later and claim it when you need it. For example, if the reward is a rare Pokemon encounter, you can wait until you have enough pokeballs or berries to catch it. Or if the reward is an item that you don’t need at the moment, you can save it for when you run out of space in your bag. You can also stack up to 100 unclaimed rewards and claim them whenever you want.

However, there’s one exception to this rule: the final reward. The final reward is a special encounter with a legendary or mythical Pokemon that you can get after completing seven field research tasks in seven days. You can see the progress of your final reward by tapping on the breakthrough icon on the top right corner of the screen. The final reward changes every month, so make sure you check out what Pokemon is available before claiming it. If it’s a Pokemon that you already have or don’t want, you can skip it by not claiming any field research rewards for that day. This will prevent the final reward from resetting and allow you to wait for the next month’s Pokemon.

How to Use Unlimited Pokeballs on Pokemon Go

Now that you know how to get unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go, how do you use them wisely? Here are some tips and tricks:

Save stardust and build XP by catching as many Pokemon as you can

The main reason to use unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to catch as many Pokemon as you can. Catching Pokemon is not only fun, but also beneficial for your game progress. Every time you catch a Pokemon, you get stardust and XP. Stardust is used to power up and evolve your Pokemon, making them stronger and more competitive. XP is used to level up your trainer level, unlocking new features and rewards. The more Pokemon you catch, the more stardust and XP you earn.

However, not all Pokemon are equal in terms of stardust and XP value. Some Pokemon give more stardust and XP than others, depending on their rarity, type, size, and evolution stage. For example, evolved Pokemon give more stardust and XP than basic Pokemon, while weather-boosted Pokemon give more stardust than normal ones. To maximize your stardust and XP gain, try to catch as many evolved and weather-boosted Pokemon as possible.

Use a lucky egg to double your XP for 30 minutes

A great way to use unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to use a lucky egg to double your XP for 30 minutes. A lucky egg is an item that you can get from leveling up, spinning PokéStops, completing tasks, or buying with coins. When you activate a lucky egg, all the XP you earn for the next 30 minutes will be doubled. This means that you can get twice as much XP from catching Pokemon, spinning PokéStops, completing tasks, battling, raiding, and more. To make the most of your lucky egg, try to do as many XP-boosting activities as possible within the 30-minute window. For example, you can catch a lot of Pokemon, especially new ones that give you extra XP. You can also evolve a lot of Pokemon, especially with a mass evolution trick. This is where you save up a lot of Pokemon that only require 12 or 25 candies to evolve, such as Pidgey, Rattata, Weedle, Caterpie, and Wurmple. Then, you activate a lucky egg and evolve them all at once, getting 1000 XP per evolution. You can also join or host raids with other players, especially legendary or mega raids that give you more XP. You can also battle other trainers or team leaders, or complete special research tasks that reward you with XP.

Throw pokeballs correctly to increase your catch rate and get bonus XP

A crucial way to use unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to throw them correctly to increase your catch rate and get bonus XP. Throwing pokeballs is not as simple as tapping on the screen. There are many factors that affect your catch rate, such as the type and color of the pokeball, the size and color of the target circle, the distance and movement of the Pokemon, and the timing and angle of your throw. To improve your catch rate and get bonus XP, here are some tips:

  • Use the right pokeball for the right Pokemon. There are three types of pokeballs: regular, great, and ultra. The regular pokeball is the most common and the least effective. The great pokeball is better than the regular one and has a blue color. The ultra pokeball is the best and has a yellow color. The higher the quality of the pokeball, the higher the catch rate. You should use the best pokeball you have for rare or powerful Pokemon.
  • Use berries to make Pokemon easier to catch. There are four types of berries: razz, nanab, pinap, and golden razz. The razz berry makes the target circle bigger and reduces the chance of the Pokemon escaping. The nanab berry makes the Pokemon less likely to move or attack. The pinap berry doubles the candy you get from catching the Pokemon. The golden razz berry is the best and combines the effects of the razz and nanab berries. You can use one berry per encounter by tapping on the berry icon on the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Aim for the center of the target circle. The target circle is a colored ring that shrinks and expands around the Pokemon. The color of the circle indicates how hard it is to catch the Pokemon: green means easy, yellow means medium, orange means hard, and red means very hard. The size of the circle indicates how much bonus XP you can get: small means excellent (100 XP), medium means great (50 XP), and large means nice (10 XP). To get the best chance of catching the Pokemon and getting bonus XP, you should aim for the center of the circle when it is as small as possible. To do this, you should hold the pokeball and release it when the circle is at the desired size.
  • Use curveballs to increase your catch rate and get bonus XP. A curveball is a special throw that makes the pokeball spin and curve in the air. A curveball not only looks cool, but also increases your catch rate by 1.7 times and gives you an extra 10 XP. To throw a curveball, you should spin the pokeball in a circular motion before releasing it. You should also aim slightly to the opposite side of the Pokemon, as the pokeball will curve towards it.

Catch legendary Pokemon by participating in remote raids with other players

A fun way to use unlimited pokeballs on Pokemon Go is to catch legendary Pokemon by participating in remote raids with other players. A raid is a cooperative battle against a powerful Pokemon that appears at a gym. A legendary raid is a special type of raid that features a legendary Pokemon, such as Mewtwo, Lugia, or Kyogre. Legendary Pokemon are very rare and strong, and they can only be caught by completing legendary raids. To join a raid, you need a raid pass, which you can get from spinning PokéStops, completing tasks, or buying with coins. To join a remote raid, you need a remote raid pass, which you can buy with coins or get from special events. A remote raid pass allows you to join any raid that you can see on your nearby screen or that you are invited to by a friend.

To catch legendary Pokemon by participating in remote raids, here are some tips:

  • Choose the right Pokemon for the raid. Legendary Pokemon are usually very strong and have high CP (combat power). They also have different types and weaknesses that you should consider. For example, Mewtwo is a psychic-type Pokemon that is weak against dark, bug, and ghost-type moves. You should use Pokemon that have high CP and can deal super effective damage to the legendary Pokemon.
  • Use teamwork and communication. Raids are cooperative battles that require teamwork and communication. You can join a raid with up to 20 players, but you can only see the players who are in your lobby. You can communicate with other players by using voice chat or text chat apps, such as Discord or WhatsApp. You can also use online platforms, such as [3] PokeRaid or [4] PokeBattler, to find and join raids with other players around the world.
  • Use golden razz berries and excellent curveballs. Legendary Pokemon are very hard to catch, even with unlimited pokeballs. They have a low catch rate and they often move or attack. To increase your chances of catching them, you should use golden razz berries and excellent curveballs. Golden razz berries are the best berries for catching Pokemon, as they increase the catch rate by 2.5 times. Excellent curveballs are the best throws for catching Pokemon, as they increase the catch rate by 2.85 times and give you 100 XP.

How to Enhance Your Pokemon Go Experience with Other Features and Updates

Pokemon Go is not just about catching Pokemon and using unlimited pokeballs. There are many other features and updates that can enhance your gaming experience and make it more fun and exciting. Here are some of them:

Use mega evolutions to make your Pokemon more powerful for a limited time

Mega evolutions are a new feature that was introduced in 2020. They allow you to make your Pokemon more powerful for a limited time by using mega energy. Mega energy is a special type of energy that you can get from completing mega raids or tasks. Mega raids are similar to legendary raids, but they feature mega evolved Pokemon, such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Blastoise, or Mega Venusaur. When you complete a mega raid, you get mega energy for that specific Pokemon.

To use mega evolutions, you need to have enough mega energy for the Pokemon you want to evolve. The amount of mega energy required depends on the Pokemon and its evolution stage. For example, Charizard requires 200 mega energy to evolve into Mega Charizard X or Y for the first time, but only 50 mega energy for subsequent evolutions. When you evolve your Pokemon into its mega form, it will become more powerful and change its appearance for four hours. It will also boost the attacks of other Pokemon of the same type in raids or battles.

Catch Pokemon in different sizes (XXS and XXL) for more variety

Pokemon Go is not just about catching different types and species of Pokemon. It’s also about catching different sizes of Pokemon. Pokemon can have different sizes, such as XXS (extra extra small) or XXL (extra extra large). The size of a Pokemon is determined by its height and weight, which are randomly generated when you encounter it. The size of a Pokemon can affect its stats, such as HP (hit points) and CP (combat power). For example, a larger Pokemon might have more HP but less CP, while a smaller Pokemon might have more CP but less HP. The size of a Pokemon can also affect its appearance, making it look bigger or smaller on the screen.

To catch Pokemon in different sizes, you need to pay attention to the symbols that appear next to their names. A symbol of three horizontal lines means that the Pokemon is normal-sized. A symbol of three vertical lines means that the Pokemon is XXS. A symbol of three diagonal lines means that the Pokemon is XXL. You can also check the size of a Pokemon by tapping on it and looking at its height and weight. To catch more XXS or XXL Pokemon, you can use items such as incense or lures, which attract more Pokemon to your location. You can also use berries such as razz or nanab, which make Pokemon easier to catch.

Use pinap berries to increase candy and equip a Pokemon as a buddy to earn candy while walking

Pokemon Go is not just about catching Pokemon and using unlimited pokeballs. It’s also about collecting candy and evolving your Pokemon. Candy is a special type of item that you can use to power up and evolve your Pokemon. Each Pokemon has its own type of candy, such as Charmander candy or Pikachu candy. You can get candy by catching, hatching, trading, or transferring Pokemon of the same species. However, some candy are harder to get than others, especially for rare or evolved Pokemon.

To get more candy on Pokemon Go, you can use pinap berries and equip a Pokemon as a buddy. Pinap berries are yellow fruits that you can get from spinning PokéStops, completing tasks, or buying with coins. When you use a pinap berry on a wild Pokemon, you will get twice as much candy if you catch it. For example, if you catch a Charmander with a pinap berry, you will get six Charmander candy instead of three. You can use pinap berries on any Pokemon, but they are especially useful for rare or evolved ones.

To get more candy on Pokemon Go, you can also equip a Pokemon as a buddy. A buddy is a Pokemon that walks with you and earns candy as you walk. You can choose any Pokemon as your buddy by tapping on your profile icon and then on the buddy icon. You can see how much candy your buddy has earned by tapping on its portrait on the bottom left corner of the screen. You can also see how far you need to walk to earn one more candy by tapping on the progress bar below its portrait. The distance required varies depending on the rarity of the Pokemon, from 1 km to 20 km per candy. You can change your buddy once per day without losing any progress.

Trade Pokemon with friends to get more candy and chance of lucky Pokemon

Pokemon Go is not just about catching Pokemon and using unlimited pokeballs. It’s also about making friends and trading Pokemon with them. Trading is a feature that allows you to exchange Pokemon with other players who are nearby or who are your friends in the game. Trading has many benefits, such as getting more candy, getting new or rare Pokemon, and getting lucky Pokemon.

To trade Pokemon with friends, you need to be at least level 10 and have enough stardust. Stardust is used as a currency for trading, and the amount required depends on the rarity and friendship level of the trade. The rarer the Pokemon or the lower the friendship level, the more stardust you need. You also need to be within 100 meters of your friend and have them in your friend list. You can add friends by sharing your trainer code or scanning their QR code.

When you trade Pokemon with friends, you will get more candy for the traded Pokemon. The amount of candy you get depends on how far apart the two Pokemon were caught. The farther apart they were caught, the more candy you get, up to a maximum of three per trade. For example, if you trade a Pikachu that was caught in New York with a Pikachu that was caught in Tokyo, you will get three Pikachu candy each.

When you trade Pokemon with friends, you will also get new or rare Pokemon that you don’t have or that are hard to find. For example, if you trade a Pidgey with a friend who has a Kangaskhan, you might get a Kangaskhan in return. However, the traded Pokemon will have their CP and IV (individual values) randomized, so you might end up with a weaker or stronger Pokemon than before. You can also trade special Pokemon, such as shiny, legendary, or mythical Pokemon, but they require a special trade. A special trade is a trade that involves at least one special Pokemon, and it can only be done once per day with a great friend or a best friend. A great friend is someone who has been your friend for at least seven days, and a best friend is someone who has been your friend for at least 90 days.

When you trade Pokemon with friends, you will also have a chance of getting lucky Pokemon. A lucky Pokemon is a special type of Pokemon that has higher IVs and lower stardust cost for powering up. A lucky Pokemon has a golden background and a sparkling effect on its portrait. The chance of getting a lucky Pokemon from a trade depends on how long ago the traded Pokemon were caught. The older the Pokemon, the higher the chance of becoming lucky. For example, if you trade a Pokemon that was caught in 2016, it has a very high chance of becoming lucky. You can also increase your chance of getting lucky Pokemon by becoming lucky friends with someone. A lucky friend is someone who has been your best friend for at least 90 days and who has triggered the lucky friend status by interacting with you. You can interact with your friends by sending or opening gifts, trading Pokemon, battling together, or raiding together. When you become lucky friends with someone, your next trade with them will be guaranteed to result in lucky Pokemon.

Join Campfire, a social app that connects you with other Pokemon Go players

Pokemon Go is not just about catching Pokemon and using unlimited pokeballs. It’s also about socializing and connecting with other Pokemon Go players. However, the game itself does not have many social features, such as chat or voice chat. That’s why you should join Campfire, a social app that connects you with other Pokemon Go players.

Campfire is an app that allows you to create and join chat rooms with other Pokemon Go players who share your interests and goals. You can chat with them, share tips and tricks, coordinate raids and battles, trade Pokemon, and make new friends. You can also create your own profile, customize your avatar, earn badges, and level up your reputation. Campfire is compatible with Pokemon Go, so you can launch the game from the app and see your location and nearby PokéStops and gyms on the map.

To join Campfire, you need to download the app from [5] Google Play or [6] App Store and create an account. You can then browse and join chat rooms based on your location, language, level, team, or interest. You can also create your own chat room and invite other players to join. Campfire is free to use and has no ads or in-app purchases.

Check out the latest news and rumors about Pokemon Go on the web

Pokemon Go is not just about catching Pokemon and using unlimited pokeballs. It’s also about staying updated and informed about the latest news and rumors about the game. There are many sources on the web that provide reliable and accurate information about Pokemon Go, such as updates, events, features, tips, guides, leaks, datamines, and more. Here are some of them:

  • [7] The official Pokemon Go website: This is the official source of information about Pokemon Go from Niantic, the developer of the game. You can find news articles, blog posts, announcements, patch notes, event details, support pages, and more.
  • [8] The official Pokemon Go Twitter account: This is the official Twitter account of Pokemon Go from Niantic. You can follow them to get updates, alerts, tips, trivia, contests, and more.
  • [9] The Silph Road: This is a fan-made website and community that provides research, analysis, and resources about Pokemon Go. You can find articles, guides, charts, maps, tools, calculators, and more.
  • [10] Pokemon Go Hub: This is a fan-made website and news portal that covers everything about Pokemon Go. You can find news, guides, tips, tricks, leaks, datamines, rumors, and more.

Conclusion: Pokemon Go APK Unlimited Pokeballs is the Ultimate Way to Enjoy the Game

Pokemon Go is an amazing game that lets you explore the real world, find and catch wild Pokemon, battle other players, and collect various items. However, the game can be limited by the availability of pokeballs, which are essential for catching Pokemon. That’s why you should download and install the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod, which will give you access to infinite pokeballs for free. With unlimited pokeballs, you can catch as many Pokemon as you want, without worrying about running out or spending money. You can also use unlimited pokeballs to complete tasks, join raids, and get more candy and XP.

But that’s not all. There are many other ways to enhance your Pokemon Go experience with other features and updates. You can use mega evolutions to make your Pokemon more powerful for a limited time. You can catch Pokemon in different sizes for more variety. You can use pinap berries to increase candy and equip a Pokemon as a buddy to earn candy while walking. You can trade Pokemon with friends to get more candy and chance of lucky Pokemon. You can join Campfire, a social app that connects you with other Pokemon Go players. And you can check out the latest news and rumors about Pokemon Go on the web.

Pokemon Go is a game that never gets old or boring. There is always something new and exciting to do and discover. With the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod and other features and updates, you can enjoy the game to the fullest and have the ultimate Pokemon adventure. So what are you waiting for? Download the mod today and catch ’em all!


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod and other features and updates:

  1. Is the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod safe to use?
  2. The Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod is safe to use as long as you download it from a trusted source and follow the instructions carefully. However, there is always a risk of getting banned or suspended by Niantic for using a modified version of the game. To avoid this, you should use the mod at your own discretion and not abuse it.

  3. How do I update the Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod?
  4. The Pokemon Go APK unlimited pokeballs mod needs to be updated whenever there is a new version of the original game. To update the mod, you need to download the latest version of the modded APK file from the same source and install it over the existing one. You don’t need to uninstall or delete anything.

  5. What are some other mods or hacks for Pokemon Go?
  6. There are many other mods or hacks for Pokemon Go that offer different features or advantages, such as spoofing your location, increasing your speed, seeing nearby Pokemon on a map, auto-catching or auto-spinning, and more. However, these mods or hacks are not recommended as they can ruin the fun and challenge of the game, as well as get you banned or suspended by Niantic.

  7. What are some other games like Pokemon Go?
  8. If you love Pokemon Go, you might also enjoy other games that use augmented reality or location-based technology to create immersive and interactive experiences. Some examples are Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Jurassic World Alive, Ingress Prime, and The Walking Dead: Our World. You can find these games on [11] Google Play or [12] App Store.

  9. How can I learn more about Pokemon Go and improve my skills?
  10. If you want to learn more about Pokemon Go and improve your skills, you can check out some of the online resources and communities that are dedicated to the game. Some examples are [13] Pokemon Go Wiki, [14] Pokemon Go Reddit, [15] Pokemon Go YouTube, and [16] Pokemon Go Discord. You can find useful information, tips, guides, videos, discussions, and more.
