Sim Girl Dna 2 Full Version 12 |BEST|

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Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12: The Ultimate Guide for Dating Simulation Fans

If you are a fan of dating simulation games, you might have heard of Sim Girl DNA 2, a popular online game that features nice Japanese anime graphics and a complex storyline. Sim Girl DNA 2 is a game where you play as a young man who has to find his true love in a city full of beautiful girls. You have to manage your time, money, energy, and relationships with different girls, while also improving your stats and skills.

Sim Girl DNA 2 has been around for a long time, but it has recently been updated to the full version 12, which adds new features and improvements to the game. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12, including how to play it, what are the new features, and where to download it.

How to Play Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12

Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 is a browser-based game that you can play on any device that supports Flash. You can find the game on various websites, such as, where you can play it in fullscreen mode. You can also download the game for your PC, Mac, Android, or iOS devices from this link .

The game starts with a short introduction that explains the background story and the main characters. You are a student at Fukoma High School, and you have a crush on a girl named Ami. However, you are too shy to talk to her, and you don’t have much luck with other girls either. One day, you find a device called the Time Machine in your basement, which allows you to travel back in time and change your fate. You decide to use it to improve your love life and find your soulmate.

The game has two modes: Adventure Mode and Simulation Mode. In Adventure Mode, you follow the main storyline and interact with different characters and events. In Simulation Mode, you have more freedom to explore the city and date different girls. You can switch between the modes at any time by clicking on the icons at the top of the screen.

In both modes, you have to manage your resources and stats. You have four main resources: Money, Energy, Charm, and Intelligence. Money is used to buy items and gifts for yourself and the girls. Energy is used to perform actions and activities. Charm is used to impress and attract the girls. Intelligence is used to pass exams and unlock new options. You can increase your resources by working, studying, training, or using items.

You also have four main stats: Strength, Knowledge, Looks, and Personality. Strength is used to fight against enemies and win competitions. Knowledge is used to solve puzzles and learn new skills. Looks is used to improve your appearance and style. Personality is used to influence your mood and attitude. You can increase your stats by reading books, watching TV, playing games, or using items.

The game has a calendar system that shows the date, time, weather, and events. The game spans over 100 days, from January 1st to April 30th. Each day has four time periods: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night. You can perform different actions and activities depending on the time period and the location. For example, you can go to school in the morning or afternoon, go to work in the evening or night, go shopping or visit places in any time period.

The game also has a relationship system that shows your status with different girls. There are six main girls that you can date: Ami (your childhood friend), Kotomi (a cute girl who loves sports), Tomoko (a popular girl who dreams of becoming a model), Karin (a mysterious girl who comes from the future), Sana (a rich girl who likes gambling), and Akira (a tomboyish girl who likes motorcycles). Each girl has her own personality, preferences, schedule, events, and endings.

To date a girl, you have to increase your relationship points with her by talking to her, giving her gifts, taking her out on dates,

complimenting her, or doing special actions. You can also unlock hidden scenes and mini-games with each girl. However, you have to be careful not to make her angry or jealous, or she might break up with you. You can also cheat on your girlfriend with other girls, but this will have consequences.

What are the New Features in Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12

Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 is the latest and most complete version of the game. It has many new features and improvements that make the game more fun and challenging. Some of the new features are:

  • A new girl named Akira, who is a motorcycle racer and a friend of Sana.
  • A new location called the Racing Club, where you can race against Akira and other bikers.
  • A new mini-game called the Bike Race, where you can control your bike and avoid obstacles.
  • A new feature called the Time Machine Upgrade, which allows you to travel to different time periods and meet different versions of the girls.
  • A new feature called the DNA Manipulation, which allows you to alter the girls’ appearance and personality.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man Magazine, which shows you tips and secrets about the game.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Room, which shows you your achievements and trophies.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Phone, which allows you to call and text the girls.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Diary, which records your progress and events.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Gallery, which shows you all the pictures and scenes you have unlocked.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Music Player, which allows you to listen to different songs from the game.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Movie Player, which allows you to watch different movies from the game.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Game Player, which allows you to play different mini-games from the game.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Shop, which allows you to buy different items and upgrades for the game.
  • A new feature called the Sim-Man’s Cheat Codes, which allows you to enter different codes to unlock or modify things in the game.
  • Many bug fixes and performance improvements.

Where to Download Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12

If you want to download Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 for your device, you can use one of these links:

You can also play the game online on, where you can enjoy it in fullscreen mode. However, some features might not work properly on some browsers or devices. Therefore, we recommend downloading the game for a better experience.

How to Enjoy Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12

Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 is a game that can offer you hours of fun and entertainment. You can explore different scenarios and outcomes with different girls and choices. You can also customize the game to your liking and preferences. However, there are some things that you should keep in mind to enjoy the game to the fullest:

  • The game is rated 18+ for mature audiences only. It contains sexual content, nudity, violence, and profanity. If you are under 18 or offended by such content, please do not play the game.
  • The game is a work of fiction and parody. It does not reflect the reality or opinions of the creators or anyone else. Please do not take the game too seriously or personally.
  • The game is a fan-made project that is not affiliated with or endorsed by any official company or organization. The game is free to play and distribute, but please do not use it for commercial purposes or claim it as your own.
  • The game is still in development and may have some bugs or errors. If you encounter any problems or issues, please report them to the creators or the community.
  • The game is updated regularly with new features and improvements. If you want to stay updated with the latest news and updates, please follow the creators or the community on social media or other platforms.

We hope that you enjoy playing Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 and have a great time with it. If you like the game, please share it with your friends and support the creators. Thank you for playing!


Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 is a dating simulation game that features nice Japanese anime graphics and a complex storyline. You can play the game online or download it for your device. You can date different girls and experience different events and endings. You can also enjoy many new features and improvements that make the game more fun and challenging. Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 is a game that can offer you hours of fun and entertainment. However, you should be aware that the game is rated 18+ for mature audiences only and that it is a work of fiction and parody. If you are a fan of dating simulation games, you should definitely try Sim Girl DNA 2 Full Version 12 and see for yourself.
