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I have no idea how I can print it out.


You are printing only the first line as strings have ”
” in the end. Try to print whole string, like so:
for line in raw_info:

I think you do not want to print line by line, but you want to print it all together.

It’s not known whether Trump will speak on the platform with the Pope, though the heads of the other national delegations, including New Zealand, Mexico and El Salvador, will also speak. The Trump team originally planned to send the president’s eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, to represent the administration.

A photo of the pope meeting with Trump appeared on Twitter late Tuesday evening. Pope Francis meets with President Donald Trump in the Vatican, September 23, 2017. He has spoken out on a number of social and economic issues, including inequality and poverty, climate change and urban violence.

Emmanuel Massimino, a spokesman for the Italian Embassy, said Thursday that he was unaware of Trump’s official travel plans but that Trump might not have been invited to visit the pope’s personal residence.

“I know you and I know he (Trump) feels a lot of love from the pope and we know the pope’s message about love and inclusion and respect for people who are suffering. We will follow what happens,” said Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, who is also president of the Security Council, will join the pope on a short visit to the Vatican on the Thursday.

At his meeting with the pope, Trump is expected to raise sensitive issues including concerns of climate change and migration.

Ivanka Trump tweeted Wednesday night that the Pope was a “passionate advocate for the environment.”

The Vatican press office said the pope would travel to the United States on October 5 and 6. The visit will include public events, meetings with church leaders and a trip to New York City.

Pope Francis’ September trip to the US has been controversial. On Sunday he again voiced his support for women who have had abortions and his condemnation of racism. However, the Vatican is less vocal in its defense of the LGBT community.

During his visit to the US capital in May, the pope described Trump as a “decent person” but “not a Christian,” adding that he opposed the Republican’s values on several issues.

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