Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev From Mahima Shani Dev Kimp3


Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev: A Tribute to the God of Justice and Karma from Mahima Shani Dev Ki

If you are looking for a devotional song that praises the glory and mystery of Shani Dev, the Hindu god of justice and karma, you might want to listen to Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev from Mahima Shani Dev Ki. This song is a part of the popular TV series Mahima Shani Dev Ki, which aired on NDTV Imagine from 2008 to 2009. The series depicted the life and legends of Shani Dev, who is one of the nine planetary deities in Hindu astrology.

What is the meaning of Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev?

The title of the song translates to “No one knows your glory, O Shani Dev”. The lyrics of the song express the devotion and awe of the singer towards Shani Dev, who is also known as Surya Putra (son of the sun god) and Shanishwara (lord of Saturn). The singer acknowledges that Shani Dev is the supreme judge of all actions and deeds, and that he rewards or punishes people according to their karma. The singer also asks for Shani Dev’s blessings and protection from all evils and obstacles.

Where can you listen to Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev?

You can listen to Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev from Mahima Shani Dev Ki on various online platforms, such as YouTube and SoundCloud. You can also download the mp3 file of the song from various websites that offer free or paid downloads. However, you should be careful about the quality and legality of the downloads, as some websites may contain viruses or malware.

Why should you listen to Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev?

Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev from Mahima Shani Dev Ki is a song that can inspire you to live a righteous and honest life, as it reminds you of the power and grace of Shani Dev. It can also help you to overcome any fear or anxiety that you may have regarding Shani Dev’s influence on your life, as it assures you that he is a benevolent and compassionate god who only wants your welfare. Listening to this song can also enhance your faith and devotion towards Shani Dev, who is considered to be one of the most important and influential gods in Hinduism.

What is the background of Mahima Shani Dev Ki TV series?

Mahima Shani Dev Ki is a Hindu mythological TV series that was premiered on 26th July 2008 on Imagine TV. The series was produced by Sagar Arts, a renowned production house that has created many epic shows based on Indian mythology, such as Ramayan, Shri Krishna, and Vishnu Puran. The series was directed by Prem Sagar, the son of Ramanand Sagar, who was the founder of Sagar Arts and the creator of Ramayan.

The series depicted the life and legends of Shani Dev, one of the nine planetary deities in Hindu astrology. The series aimed to break all the myths and misunderstandings about Shani Dev, who is often feared and misunderstood by people as a cruel and unforgiving god who brings misfortune and hardship to those who incur his wrath. The series showed that Shani Dev is actually a benevolent and compassionate god who only wants to teach people the lessons of karma and justice. The series also portrayed the various aspects of Shani Dev’s personality, such as his devotion to his father Surya (the sun god), his love for his mother Chhaya (the shadow goddess), his friendship with Vikramaditya (the legendary king of Ujjain), and his rivalry with Ravana (the demon king of Lanka).

Who are the main cast and characters of Mahima Shani Dev Ki TV series?

The main cast and characters of Mahima Shani Dev Ki TV series are as follows:

  • Daya Shankar Pandey as Shani Dev: He played the role of the titular character, who is the son of Surya and Chhaya, and the lord of Saturn. He is a powerful and righteous god who judges people according to their karma and gives them rewards or punishments accordingly. He is also a loyal devotee of Mahadev (the supreme god) and a protector of dharma (the cosmic order). He is often misunderstood by people as a harsh and cruel god who brings bad luck and misfortune to those who disrespect him or do evil deeds.
  • Soumik Rao as Chakravarti Vikramaditya: He played the role of the legendary king of Ujjain, who was known for his wisdom, courage, justice, and generosity. He was a close friend and devotee of Shani Dev, who helped him in many situations and blessed him with prosperity and fame. He also faced many challenges and enemies in his life, such as Raja Chandrasen (the king of Tamil Nadu), Rishi Maandukya (a corrupt sage), Andhra Naresh (a tyrant ruler), and Betaal Bhatt (a ghostly storyteller).
  • Namrata Thapa as Madanalekha: She played the role of the queen of Ujjain, who was the wife of Vikramaditya and the mother of Aditya Vardhan. She was a beautiful and virtuous woman who loved her husband and son dearly. She also supported Vikramaditya in his decisions and actions, and prayed to Shani Dev for their well-being.
  • Nitin Prabhat as Aditya Vardhan: He played the role of the prince of Ujjain, who was the son of Vikramaditya and Madanalekha. He was a brave and intelligent young man who followed his father’s footsteps in ruling the kingdom with justice and compassion. He also had a special bond with Shani Dev, who guided him in his life.
  • Bhupinder Singh Bhupi as General Secretary Karang: He played the role of the chief minister of Ujjain, who was loyal to Vikramaditya and served him faithfully. He was also a wise and experienced advisor who helped Vikramaditya in dealing with various issues and problems.

How to worship Shani Dev and get his blessings?

Shani Dev is a god who is pleased by sincere and honest worship, and not by superficial or hypocritical rituals. He expects his devotees to follow the path of dharma (righteousness) and karma (action) and to respect all living beings. He also appreciates those who help the poor and needy, and who refrain from harming others. Here are some tips on how to worship Shani Dev and get his blessings:

  • The best day to worship Shani Dev is Saturday, which is dedicated to him. You can also worship him on Amavasya (new moon day), especially if it falls on a Saturday.
  • The best time to worship Shani Dev is in the evening, after sunset. You can also worship him in the morning, before sunrise.
  • The best place to worship Shani Dev is at a temple dedicated to him, or at a place where a peepal tree (sacred fig tree) or a shami tree (prosopis cineraria) is present. You can also worship him at your home, by installing an idol or a picture of him.
  • The best way to worship Shani Dev is by offering him water mixed with black sesame seeds and blue flowers, preferably in an iron vessel. You can also offer him black cloth, black gram, mustard oil, iron nails, horse shoe, or black buffalo.
  • The best mantra to chant while worshipping Shani Dev is “Om Sham Shanaischaraya Namah”, which means “I bow down to the slow-moving one”. You can also chant other mantras associated with him, such as “Om Pram Preem Prom Sah Shanaischaraya Namah” or “Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namah”.
  • The best aarti to sing while worshipping Shani Dev is “Jai Jai Jai Shani Dev”, which praises his glory and power. You can also sing other songs dedicated to him, such as “Teri Mahima Koi Na Jane He Shani Dev” from Mahima Shani Dev Ki TV series.

By worshipping Shani Dev with devotion and sincerity, you can appease him and get his blessings. He will protect you from all evils and obstacles, and grant you success and happiness in life.

What are some of the stories of Shani Dev and his influence on people?

Shani Dev is a god who has many stories associated with him, which illustrate his role and impact on people’s lives. Some of these stories are as follows:

  • The story of King Nala and Queen Damayanti: King Nala was a righteous and prosperous king who was married to the beautiful and virtuous Queen Damayanti. They were very happy and loved each other deeply. However, Shani Dev decided to test their love and loyalty by casting his influence on Nala. He made Nala lose his kingdom, wealth, and wife in a game of dice with his brother Pushkara. He also made Nala suffer from various miseries and hardships, such as snake bites, hunger, thirst, and separation from Damayanti. However, Nala never lost his faith in Shani Dev and prayed to him sincerely. He also performed good deeds for others, such as saving a snake from a fire, which turned out to be the god of serpents, Karkotaka. Karkotaka gave Nala a magic ring that could change his appearance and protect him from further troubles. Eventually, Nala was able to reunite with Damayanti and regain his kingdom with the help of Shani Dev, who was pleased by his devotion and endurance.
  • The story of King Harishchandra and Queen Taramati: King Harishchandra was another righteous and generous king who was married to the noble and faithful Queen Taramati. They had a son named Rohitashwa. They were also very happy and devoted to Shani Dev. However, Shani Dev wanted to test their integrity and honesty by putting them through various trials and tribulations. He made Harishchandra lose his kingdom, wealth, and family in a series of events that involved the sage Vishwamitra, the god Varuna, and the god of death Yama. He also made Harishchandra work as a slave for a cremation ground keeper named Chandala, who forced him to collect fees from the dead bodies before burning them. He also made Taramati work as a maid for a Brahmin family, who mistreated her. He also made Rohitashwa die of a snake bite, which brought Harishchandra and Taramati face to face at the cremation ground. However, Harishchandra never compromised his truthfulness and righteousness, even when he had to sell himself and his wife to pay for his son’s funeral. He also never blamed Shani Dev for his misfortunes and remained grateful to him. Finally, Shani Dev was moved by his virtue and sincerity and restored his kingdom, wealth, family, and son back to him.
  • The story of King Vikramaditya and Shani Dev: King Vikramaditya was a legendary king of Ujjain who was known for his wisdom, courage, justice, and generosity. He was a close friend and devotee of Shani Dev, who helped him in many situations and blessed him with prosperity and fame. He also faced many challenges and enemies in his life, such as Raja Chandrasen (the king of Tamil Nadu), Rishi Maandukya (a corrupt sage), Andhra Naresh (a tyrant ruler), and Betaal Bhatt (a ghostly storyteller). However, Vikramaditya always overcame them with the help of Shani Dev’s guidance and grace. He also respected Shani Dev’s decisions and judgments, even when they seemed harsh or unfair. For example, once Shani Dev decided to punish Vikramaditya for seven-and-a-half years by making him lose his kingdom, wealth, family, health, and dignity. He also made him wander around as a beggar with leprosy. However, Vikramaditya never lost his faith in Shani Dev and continued to worship him sincerely. He also performed good deeds for others, such as saving a cow from being slaughtered by a butcher, which turned out to be the goddess Lakshmi in disguise. Lakshmi gave Vikramaditya a magic necklace that could heal his wounds and restore his health. Eventually, Vikramaditya was able to regain his kingdom, wealth, family, and honor with the help of Shani Dev.

These stories show that Shani Dev is not a cruel or unforgiving god who brings misfortune and hardship to people without any reason. Rather, he is a god who teaches people the lessons of karma and justice by giving them the fruits of their actions according to their merits or demerits. He also rewards those who worship him with devotion and sincerity by protecting them from all evils and obstacles.

