Whois.dll Crack

Whois.dll is a component that helps you integrate Whois searches with your application using any .NET language.
Whois.dll was written entirely in managed code. It can perform recursive whois queries and automatically finds the correct whois server.
It is possible to override a given whois server and use a custom whois server for better performance. This is very useful if you have an inhouse whois server.







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This component provides a wrapper around the NetWhois DLL. A single instance of this object can be used to query any Whois server supported by the.NET Framework.
This allows developers to integrate Whois searches in their applications using any.NET language, such as.NET Framework,.NET Compact Framework, Mono,.NET for Windows CE and Silverlight, and Mono for Android.
You can use Whois.Dll to find whois servers that are not connected to whois.net and do not require a Whois account.
Here is a sample:
using Whois;
string search = “”address”:”3192, 154th Street, Detroit, MI 48228, USA”,”city”:”Detroit, MI”,”state”:”MI”,”zip”:”48228″,”country”:”USA”,”phone”:”(313) 555-5555″,”phone2″:””,”address2″:””,”website”:””,”name”:”Robinsons-May”,”industry”:””,”location”:””,”lat”:””,”lng”:”””}”;
List foundServers = Whois.Dll.Search(search);
foreach (WhoisServerInfo server in foundServers)

You can add a reference to whois.net and use the following code:
string search = “”address”:”3192, 154th Street, Detroit, MI 48228, USA”,”city”:”Detroit, MI”,”state”:”MI”,”zip”:”48228″,”country”:”USA”,”phone”:”(313) 555-5555″,”phone2″:””,”address2″:””,”website”:””,”name”:”Robinsons-May”,”industry”:””,”location”:””,”lat”:””,”lng”:”””}”;
List foundServers = Whois.Net.Search(search);
foreach (WhoisServerInfo server in foundServers)

Or you can use

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/// The keymacro represents a key for the WHOIS request.
public enum KeyMacro {
/// A regular key.
None = 0,
/// The key that is used by default by Whois.
BasicKey = 1,
/// The key that is used by default by Whois.
HybridKey = 2,
/// The key that is used by default by Whois.
RegexKey = 4,
/// The key that is used by default by Whois.
LastKey = 8

/// The whois options
public enum WhoisOptions {
/// A regular Whois query.
None = 0,
/// The full Whois query (also known as the full regular search).
FullSearch = 1,
/// The full Whois query (also known as the full regular search).
FullSearchNameOnly = 2,
/// The full Whois query (also known as the full regular search).
FullSearchIP = 3,
/// The full Whois query (also known as the full regular search).
FullSearchIPv6 = 4,
/// The full Whois query (also known as the full regular search).

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Whois.dll is a Component for creating Whois queries, integrating them into any.NET Language using the Visual Basic, C# or VB.NET design environment.
Whois.dll is a Component that reads the registry entries for
your computer and creates a Registry based list of possible
Whois servers and their location. You can also override this list
and force Whois to use your own custom-made server.

If you see any missing or incorrect entry in the whois registry please e-mail me at jon@dyndns.com.


You can use Whois.dll in two ways.

Creating a whois query

1. Choose the.NET programming language you want to use
2. Create a new class that implements the ICore methods
3. Create the whois query in your class by calling Core.CreateQuery()
4. Add the query to your class by calling Core.AddQuery()
5. Call the Core.Save() method to save the query

Using a C# class in your application

1. Create a new class that implements the ICore methods
2. Create the whois query in your class by calling Core.CreateQuery()
3. Add the query to your class by calling Core.AddQuery()
4. Create a new instance of the Core class in your application
5. Use the AddQuery method to set the class’s whois query
6. Call the Save method on the Core class to save the query

The classes that I’ve developed for the project are included in this download.


Whois.dll requires that you install the.NET Framework 4.5


This article is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


Whois.dll is a component that helps you integrate Whois searches into any.NET application.

This component was written entirely in managed code. It can perform recursive queries and
automatically finds the correct whois server.
It is also possible to override a given whois server and use a custom whois server for better performance.

Version 1.0.5

Fixed a bug where the version number wasn’t updated after a call to save.

Version 1.0.4

Added a fix for when the

What’s New In?

This project is an extension of the “Whois” project from the “NET Whois” project. The “NET Whois” project was written in C# and it is completely free. The Whois.dll can be used in any.NET application for free.
Whois.dll can perform recursive whois searches by default. To disable this, specify the recursive flag when calling the “Whois.Find(string)”.
It is possible to create multiple proxy whois servers. The default whois server is “Whois.NET” and you can override this setting at any time. A whois proxy server is created for each query, this is done in the search method.
The generated proxy server contains the response details for the query.

* Integration with your application (any.NET language)
* Work with proxies (additional servers for multiple queries)
* Database connection for faster whois searches
* Simple proxy generation
* Proxy server implementation using the IWhoisProxyGenerator and WhoisProxyGenerator classes
* Xml format output
* Compressed output
* Single Whois.dll files for all languages

*.NET 4.5.1
* Visual Studio 2015
* Visual Studio 2012 is supported

Added installation of the 3rd party assemblies: Whois.NET, Whois.Core, Whois.Compression
Fixed bug in the recursive method

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